The Birthday Party

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Sandra finally decided to get both. "If he doesn't like the puzzle he will like the book, I have a better chance of liking something if I buy both," said Sandra as she looked at all the puzzles on the shelves.

"What can I choose for him?" said Sandra, looking at the puzzles closely. There was one with a picture of a farm in the box, there was another with a train station, there was even one with an image of outer space. Then she saw it. It was an image of a pyramid!

"I know, I will get this and a book about egypt. I know that he likes Egypt so might as well go ahead with this!" said Sandra picking up the puzzle box and walking up to the counter.

Just as she was about to leave the shop, she thought the puzzle box seemed to rattle when the sun fell on it. Sandra looked at it and thought there was something different about the picture on the front of the puzzle box but wasn't too sure about it. She looked hard, try as she might she couldn't tell what was different about it.

Then she stepped into the bookshop. The lady at the counter smiled and nodded to her. Sandra remembered how her dad had brought her here a few months back to buy her some books for her birthday. She thought that those books would be her only gift when he surprised her without a musical box. Instead of a ballerina there was a strange bird that rotated round and round. When Sandra asked the name of the bird Mr Horus had said that, "it is called an Ibis."

Mr Horus had gone on to explain how it was a sacred bird of the land of egypt. Sandra finally came to a book that said, 'An Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt.' Sandra checked the price and checked her pockets to see if she had enough money left. She had just the right amount and a bit more to spare. She brought the book and some wrapping paper with the rest of the money.

She got onto the bicycle and put the things she had brought in the basket in front and rode home. She knocked on the door and her grandpa opened it.

"That was quite quick," said Sandra's grandad as he opened the door. Sandra stepped inside carrying the parcel with the puzzle and the book. It was then that she remembered that she had completely forgotten about a birthday card for Teddy.

"I will make one myself," she said, grabbing a sheet of white paper and a pencil. Just as she was drawing the picture the puzzle box rattled and jumped off the table. Then it burst into flames. Sandra screamed but found that no sound came out of her mouth.

The flame grew so high that it reached the ceiling. Sandra closed her eyes when she opened them again there was a woman standing in front of her.

Standing in front of her was a lady. She was unlike any lady Sandra had seen before. She had eyes that were glowing red like coal. Her body was covered in scales like that of a snake.

"Where isss it?" she asked with a hiss. "Give it to me!"

Sandra tried to speak but nothing came out of her mouth.

"Are you dumb?" asked the lady coming closer. Sandra wrinkled her nose as she smelled of something rotten.

Sandra screamed. There was the sound of footsteps and the door was thrown open. Standing on the doorway was Sandra's grandfather. He stared, horror struck. Then he rummaged in his pocket and pulled something out.

It looked like a needle only it was larger and thicker and somehow different. The woman covered in glittering scales screamed. "Put that down, put that down!"

"Not until you leave, Apophis," said Sandra's grandad, holding the thing in his hands as he stepped towards Sandra.

Sandra's granddad stepped closer to Apophis. She let off an ear piercing shriek. Sandra covered her ears as tight as she could. She had never heard someone scream so loudly before. Then there was a blinding flash as the scaly woman disappeared leaving behind the smell of burned meat behind.

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