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   I woke up to the sound of my alaram ringing before opening my eyes i rub  my eyes then pick up my phone to check the time and palace sent by my PA for the meeting i get up from my bed and get fresh up and get ready in formal 

when i open my bedroom door i got welcomed by the divine smell when i peak to the kitchen its aditya cooking a fresh way of happiness bounces inside me 

greak god a voice tats in back of my head 

he is a friend one more voices warns the other one 

god its not wrong he is a man a greak to say 

wow great now my inner voice are fighting on which should I be angery the fact that he's my friend or that he is actually looking hot 

the perfect jaw line sharp one to metion messed up hairs before i could comment more or check out more aditya's good morning greets me 

"ya good morning. um ur cooking we could have odered something"  i say even tho i was so much excited to have him cook for me again 

"its fine chalo lets have"

with a semi smile i go and sit with him even tho my heart was jumping up wait thats not good he is my friend sneha wake up 

"So how's your hand" 

this question i knew he would ask this and i am over that incident so there is nothing to worry

"ya its fine .  i chanced my doc because of coming back to bengal"

he just nods and after few second he say 

"i know" 

"uh know" i ask him what does he mean by that 

"i had been keeping tabs" 


he keeps his coffe mug back on table after taking some sips 

"ya i knew you told me to stay away from this but i just couldn't i wanted to help you out" 

"and by helping out you mean keeping tabs on me without my knowledge seriously adi" i burst out at him because i was clear years ago that i don't want him to get involved in it i alredy took his drem and his 2 years i cant carry more off that guilt 

I wait at gate of the hotel for my cab to arrive why the hell is it taking so much time that tho when I need to be far away from him

"Pachu" he calls out from behind a nickname he had given since we were kids
"I don't wanna talk just go uh wanna stay then stay otherwise uh wanna leave give the keys to the staff and leave" I bulrt out without even looking at him

"Hey I am sorry look at me" he say with atmost care in his voice he has always been soft almost 17 years of friendship and it was only once he had shouted at me which was because of the incident

"What" I turn on my heels to look at him

"I am sorry ok"

"Not accepted"

"Ok fine don't forgive just tell me when will ur metting end"

"Around 10" why is even asking

He takes a deep breath and say "let's go out for a movie it's been long"

Movie isn't a bad idea and I am not that mad at him

"Fine , which one" I question him

"Your pick".
Aditya the same always my pick

"Ya there is these movie I wanted to watch these one movie like forever but I was too busy to go"

His eyes fill with excitement and a smile crepts

"Tell me which one ?"

I smile ear to ear and say "Kufu panda"

"Kufu panda?" He raises his brows later they relax and shakes his head

"Always a kid aren't you" saying that he poke my head

"Hey ! I am not a kid your taking me or not "

He smiles again controlling his laugh

"Of course I am send me your location once your done then we'll go"

At the same time my cab arrives we bid eachother bye and I leave for the metting

So here is the update and I am really sorry I couldn't update
I might publish one more chapter as a sorry
Till then take care
Love you all


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