who is Aishwarya

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16 year old sneha was in her 11th class it was the period after lunch and unforuntely it was maths she tried to focous on what her teacher was telling but tribale failed when she was about drift to her dreamland a manliy know voice reaches her ear 

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16 year old sneha was in her 11th class it was the period after lunch and unforuntely it was maths she tried to focous on what her teacher was telling but tribale failed when she was about drift to her dreamland a manliy know voice reaches her ear 

"excuse me maam"

she looks up to find her bestfriend standing near the door 

"Aditya Roy ! what a pleasure" sneha teacher beems with happines setting her book and the chalk on table she ask him to come in 

he had graduated his high school from the same one sneha was curettly studying in and he was doing his meds 2nd year 

"i wanted to pick sneha basu your student "

her teacher turns to sneha "you may go sneha"

she packs her bag thanking god when she reaches him aditya takes her bag says a thank you to the teacher he guides her out holding her hand 

when they were out of camps sneha questions him "where are we going" "hospital" he replies 

"i told dad i am picking you up and drop you later" sneha eyes widens on the metion of hospital and without going into any conclusion she questions him again "why are we going to hospital whats wrong"

"are baba relax nothings wrong sanvi and nakul are in hospital we will pick them amd leave for a hotel okay" she nods still confused but adityas clam face she belives nothings wrong 

when they reached near the car aditya opens front passenger seat whereas at the same time sneha opens the backseat 

"o hello miss basu" aditya leans on the door as sneha raises her head as if questioning what 

"i am not your driver sit in the front" saying that he doest let her speak anything just make her sit and close the door and get on the driver seat 

sanvi is snehas bestfriend as well as her favorate senior nakul was adityas close friend but he was elder  sanvi was same age as nakul and they both have been dating for 4 years now 

"you know one day you will only kick me in the backseat"

"and why will i do that" he questions her while taking a left turn totally confused about why she said that  his eyes were on the road but attention was on the girl seated beside him 

"when your girlfriend comes won't she sit here" to snehas suprise aditya chuckles  "idiot that wont happen if i am driving you are sitting beside me dont worry "

"but "

"we  are here i will call them" he cuts her words then picks his phone to inform nakul tahat they are here 

after a while both them sit inside and sneha removes her seatbleat and try to turn around 

"hey" aditya hold her in a place and leans to put her seatbleat not knowing her heart was racing and sneha being unaware that his heart was about to fall out 

despit the running heart to act normal she pouts 

"don't pout" aditya says trying to be bit serious 

"why" comes her question unware what she was doing 

"how much will you question and you will know when time comes" he says while turing the engine on sneha just rolls are eyes and shift her attetion to the guest in backseat 

"what happend preyatami" sneha ask sanvi 

"i will tell you when we reach hotel"  comes sanvi sweet voice  to which sneha gesture a okay from her hand 

"and how are you doing preyatami ki preyatam"

"sneha arent you still a kid to tease us" nakul playfully chuckels 

"i dont know that but what i know is that i am sooo happy" 

"and why so" nakul ask her 

"qke janab" ( because this man) she signal towards aditya "brought me out of a boring class"

"well sneha why wont you call aditya bhaiya" ( brother) he throws a teasing glance at aditya through the rare view mirror only to recive a smrik from him followed by laugh from sneha she laughed till her stomach hurts and tears flow 

"i won't " 

"why" a frown makes its place on nakuls face sanvi was just listing to them peacfully a small smile plastered on her face 

"aditya i repeat aditya comma bahiya"  she starts laughing again "meri dictionary mai sath nahi rhesakta agar satt ageya to meri dictionary begad jayge" ( aditya comma brother doesn't fit in my dictionary)

she laugh again resulting  nakul getting comfortable back holding sanvis hands and smrik in aditya face 

soon they reach "i thought we were going to have something not stay out night" sneha says pointing the luxuary hotel they have come 

"are baba you come first" sanvi replies 

being sturborn as always she turns to the person she trust can hold her sturborness 

"i have class tomorrow unlike you i cant skip my class"

he just smile forward his hand to hold which she gladly accepts "we wont stay" sneha simles aand leads the way acting like she wast the one who refused to go 

soon they were seated  in suite where sneha was just staring at them to say something or everything 

"kuch bolo be" ( say something) she fold her legs up and sit staright giving alll her attetion 

"sneha i nakuliaregoingtohavechild"

"hai" sneha couldt understand she gets on her feet with a big frown because now she was both confused and fusrated because they are not being clear to her knowing her aditya gets up goes to her make her face him holdhing both her hand to make sure because he cant predict how she would react  

"sanvi and nakul are going to be parents" sneha wides her eyes which felt they could pop out any second her voices come out as whisper growing louder with each word she says "oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god" she jump in her place giving her widest smile having them relaxed soon she throws herself and give him a tight hug even before he could bask more of it she leave him and again jumps "i am going to be masi" 

"adi" she turns back to her bff "we are having a weeding Right" 

he was taken aback resulting his voice never his throught "our weeding" nakul snaps him back and  point himself and sanvi while she tries to surpress her laughing realising what aditya thought whereas sneha was too excited too care about anything else whereas he smiles at his silliness and turn towards her steadying her "yes WE WILL HAVE A WEEDING" he saays making his misunderstanding a statement to her 
"We will have a court marriage" Sanvi says making sneha frown but soon she replaces it to a smile knowing their family won't accept their relationship it's not like they haven't tried they did everything but.. And a kid along was a big thing
"It's tomorrow" Nakul says adding more Exitment to the already excited girl "I am not going to school tomorrow" She makes a statement "Hey"  Aditya was all ready to protest it but she goes back to him holds his right hand plam in hers and her other hand holding his arms and she swings it back and forth along with blinking without stopping " Aaaadddddiiiiittttyyyaaa pllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaassssssssssss nnnaaaaahhhhhh"
With a click in his tounge " Don't do that " He commands
" Then convince ma" She says as if offering a deal
" Fine" He agress knowing he has no other option

So how's it
I can atlest get like 10votes
Well I guess you might know who would aishwarya be!
So ya after few more chapters like more 4 to 5 chapters the wedding will start it would bit emotional because the trope is replaced bride
I am working on it and i am really trying to be updating
Love you guys

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