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They were just wonderful, awesome,magneficant days in my life which always had sneha in it back in London after her meeting was done she was beeming with happiness as she got what she wanted we watched her kufu panda it was actually so lovely to w...

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They were just wonderful, awesome,magneficant days in my life which always had sneha in it back in London after her meeting was done she was beeming with happiness as she got what she wanted we watched her kufu panda it was actually so lovely to watch her giggled,laughed and when we got out the way she copied the words of panda "inner peace inner peace dinner please" the way she was soo cute I would spend my whole life just watching her being carefree

I can still feel her her hands in mine the way we walked hand in hand since we grew together holding hands and hug were common between us after few hours here and there we went to airport where we met Kai ,jack ,Leo,mel,petra, Athena and bloom while we were headed to India Kai and Leo were going to Paris jack was staying back for some work petra was headed back to California and the girls back to NYC when we boarded the flight sneha told me about the new deal she had with mal and soon she would come to India

Soon after dropping her home it was already late i waited outside Basu badi from where I had a perfect view of her room where there was huge balcony was present soon the lights turned on within seconds she rushed to the balcony showing me her cheesy smile she waved and singneled me to go and pointed at her wrist as if saying it's late I got behind the wheel lowered my glass waved her a bye and went towards roy mansion

To pick Ashi and leave for penthouse and also we will go to Basu badi as it was our gathering. As we were kids even if the elders weren't persent we used to hang out every Sunday before sneha moved across the ocean for studies still we had conference video calls but just couldn't every Sunday as much as I shared a special bond with sneha the other kids of roy were extremely close to her even chote ma has a house quote "to convince roy kids, convince sneha" it was more like a fact
Avinash has given a place of mother to her he never said no to her words,never went against her even tho they were of same age ,Shivansh praticaly made her his everything he loves her so much that i even doubt sometimes if I was their brother as for atrav he has shared everything that he haven't even told me about she was a closed up boy and he only opened up with sneha only she made her way and ma was reviled that atleast he was sharing with some one where as Mera and hima they are always so cliched to her so much if chote papa loves me more than avi they love her more than me

When i reached the mansion handed the keys to the guard when I entered atrav was in the hall guled to his laptop he was greatly interested in coding and programming where as those words were over my head he looked up as if acknowledgeing my presence
"How's di" he figured out
"How did you"
"The smile on your face tells everything" he had a blank face if it was shiv or avi in his place they would have weried expression
"Never better before"
He gets on his feet collect his things
" Ma has kept your dinner,dadu has asked you to stay if you still want to go Jann will stay here as we will be leaving tomorrow as soon as we wake up and get ready"
I just nod at him dadu is right going back now and waking Ashi would affect her.even before i could say something he was at the top of staries then he turns back " Jann is sleeping in avi bahi's room shiv is there too after keeping my things I will join them" his voice slitely echos because of the silence in the house then he turns around and leave
I have my dinner then leave for my room before that i peak inside Avis room it's right beside mine avi and shiv are on the both sides atrav sleeping on both of their legs and Ashi in the middle clutching to her softoy that her mumma gave her which even have her voice recorded that says " I love you Ashi meri duniya"

When I was about to turn around I felt a hand on my shoulder finding merra with a smile i slowly step out of the room closing the door

" How's di"
"I doubt am i even your brother yarr pucha Karo Mera bara ma be"(ask about me also)
She smiles again
"If Di's good you will be awesome" these people
" She is fine"
" But" i hesitated to say
even tho Meera was younger than us she was way to sensible than others
"Say it" she insisted
We go inside my room I take the edge of the bed and makes herself comfortable on the sofa
"She didn't utter a word about Ashi"
"Seriously bahi you don't know" she pass me a disbelief look
"What" i raise my eyebrows still confused
" Di met butterfly every week exactly a day before leaving the last time she meet her was the day before leaving for London"
"Did she" I smile I was so stupid to doubt sneha and Ashi's relation Ashi is sneha's duniya that's what she even calls her sometimes
" I think you should have your Beauty sleep we are going to Basu badi tomorrow ahhhhh" she litterly jumps up " after soo long" then stroms out the room saying goodnight

In the morning when i got down everyone was ready to leave it was way too early something around 8 yet we left after going to Basu badi one of the maid opens the door Ashi jumps from chote papa and run towards dinning hall
"Mamma" she shouted and hug sneha's keens
Sneha back was facing her
Sneha turns around kneeling down "Ashi" she tightly tightly hugs Ashi when they part they both attack each other with kiss
"Accha sunshine abb meri bare" Avi ask Ashi she nods and leave sneha and go towards dad ( they call anurag dad)
When sneha stands up avi pulls her to a lovely hug to which she smiles and call others to join the hug Rohit and Diya joins them at the end
After what felt like a year they parted
"How's my vanar sena"
"Hungry" they all answer together
I just shake my head that when she notice me passes me a smile then again shifts back to them i just want all her attention to me but they deserve her to i shouldn't be that jealous a time when i should be stubborn will come Diya comes to me giving me smile which i return too
"Hi Aditya"
"Hi diya"
"Long time"
2 years back when i started get moniterd by their parents in diya and i have become a great friends as she was young she didn't talk much to me and maintained distance unlike sneha well it was me who went her but that's something else
"Accha chalo let's go to garden we will have our breakfast play some games then have our jasmine time"
To which everyone agrees and leave
To be honest I have no idea where the name jasmine came from but it's good until we have it earlier when we use to hang out we stayed under one roof but sneha was different and they were many things in each of us that we didn't share to eachother not because we don't trust because we don't how we can do it so sneha will spend an hour in private with each it was specifically for atrav then too all of us I like that but what I don't like is she came from younger to elder not the other way

So here's a long chapter enjoy
Next chapter is ready too but I will need some time I still stuck at the ending and I am even busy in college so I will update before Monday
Till then take care


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