Part 25

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A golden hue bathed the rooftop garden, casting a warm glow on Suhani's face as she took in the expanse of the cityscape. She had requested to be discharged from the chaotic confines of the hospital and her doctor found herself convinced against the prudent dissent of her experience and expertise.

Her wavy hair escaped her low and loose bun and danced with the evening breeze. The scent of jasmine wanted around her, bringing a melancholic nostalgia for simpler times when she, just returning from kindergarten, had planted the jasmine plants with her mother.

"Di," Yukti murmurs, stepping out onto the terrace and gingerly approaching her cousin. She clutched her shawl, her petite frame dwarfed by the imposing skyline. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"Of course," Suhani replied, her voice steady despite the unease that bloomed within her chest. She knew when Yukti sought privacy, it often involved revisiting the ghost of their shared past. Her fingers tightened around the balcony railing and she drew a sharp inhale, bracing herself for what's to come.

Yukti hesitated before speaking, her brown eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I have something to confess. I... I told Ranveer about our... you know, the abuse."

Suhani's heart lurched, her grip on the railing turning white-knuckled. Her mind raced with questions, hurt, and disbelief, yet she managed to choke out a single word: "Why?"

Yukti's voice trembled as she spoke, her eyes fixed on the ground. "I didn't know what else to do. He was just there, and I was so worried about you. I needed someone to talk to."

Suhani's voice cracked as she lashed out at Yukti, her eyes blazing with a mix of anger and hurt. "How could you do that, Yukti? That was my deepest secret to hold, not yours!" Her vulnerability was now laid bare, like an open wound.

Suhani's heart swelled with anger as she stared into Yukti's tear-filled eyes. How could her cousin have acted so recklessly, driven by fear and desperation? But as she remembered their shared past of pain and suffering, her anger was quickly replaced by a deep understanding and empathy for her cousin's actions. Suhani struggled to keep her own emotions in check, trying to appear composed despite the turmoil raging inside her.

"Did he... did he say anything?" Suhani asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Not much," Yukti replied. "He just listened, nodded, and said he'd be there for us. He seemed... empathetic and understanding."

Suhani's eyes fixated on the distant horizon, her emotions roiling within her like a violent storm. Shock, anger, and an overwhelming sense of vulnerability crashed against each other, threatening to consume her. She had expected Ranveer's perception of her to shift after learning about her past, but she never considered it could change for the better. For so long, Suhani equated change with endless suffering, and now the realization that it could bring something positive left her reeling.

She couldn't ignore the fact that he had been her rock, unwavering and understanding in every situation. His words and actions during their last encounter showed no hint of a change in his perception towards her. It made her consider if she could finally trust someone other than Yukti in her life. Could she allow herself to extend her fragile trust to another person?

Her heart races as she turns to face Yukti, who has been silently waiting for her response. The weight of their shared secret hangs heavily in the air between them.

As the sun began its descent, casting a cascade of hues across the sky, Suhani found herself lost in a sea of conflicting emotions. The cool evening breeze brushed against her cheeks, bringing with it a sense of clarity amidst the turmoil that churned within her. She turned to face Yukti, her cousin's tear-streaked face etched with remorse and vulnerability.

Suhani took a deep breath, letting the words settle within her before she spoke. "Yukti, I understand why you did what you did. You were scared for me, and you needed someone to share the burden with. I can't deny that it hurts, but I also can't ignore the love and concern behind your actions."

Yukti's eyes widened with relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Di," she whispered. "I was so afraid that you would hate me."

Suhani reached out and gently clasped Yukti's trembling hands, her heart swelling with compassion. "No matter what, Yukti, I could never hate you. We have been through too much together, and our bond is stronger than any mistake or misjudgment." She squeezed Yukti's hands tightly, hoping to convey her sincerity and forgiveness through the simple act.

Yukti's shoulders sagged with relief, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she nodded. "I'm so sorry, Di. I never meant to betray your trust or cause you more pain."

Suhani pulled Yukti into a tight embrace, holding her close as they both wept for the loss of innocence and the scars they carried. "We've all made mistakes, Yukti. I forgive you."

"I won't repeat it, Di." Yukti pulled out of the embrace and Suhani wiped the tears rolling down her cheeks. Suhani nodded, a small knot forming in her throat as she struggled to hold back tears. She and her cousin sat side by side on the veranda, the cool evening breeze caressing their skin and bringing with it the sweet scent of jasmine from nearby bushes. Suhani closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by memories, imagining herself back in the carefree days of their youth. The gentle rustle of leaves and distant chirping of birds added to the peaceful atmosphere, creating a moment of nostalgia that seemed to suspend time itself.

Suhani's voice quivered as she reminisced on the innocence of their past. "We never could have imagined the weight we'd carry as little girls, could we?" Yukti's response was laced with a deep sadness as she confessed, "I still feel like that little girl at times, lost and afraid." But then she looked at Suhani with gratitude, knowing that they had each other to lean on through the darkness.

Suhani's eyes snapped open, fixating on the half-moon looming above them, a mere sliver in the vast expanse of darkness. A sudden realization hits her with a force that takes her breath away - despite their unbreakable bond, she has been shouldering the weight of their shared trauma alone, unable to fully confide in anyone and lay bare the darkest corners of her soul.

Suhani's voice trembled as she opened up in the quiet of the trees. "I've let this shame and guilt define me for far too long," she admitted. "It's suffocating. But now, I can't help but wonder if there's a chance for me to heal, to truly move on."

"Of course there is, Di. I've been telling you that all along," Yukti reassured her, placing a gentle hand on her cousin's arm. "But you have to trust others with your pain. You don't have to carry it all alone anymore."

Suhani's eyes fill with tears as she realized the truth in Yukti's words. The path towards healing was daunting, but the prospect of no longer bearing this burden alone ignited a spark of hope within her.

"Thank you, Yukti," Suhani murmured, wiping away her tears. "I'll try."

As they sit huddled together under the cold, unforgiving moon, Suhani feels a burning determination building in her chest. She makes a fierce vow to herself: to confront her darkest memories head-on, release the suffocating weight of shame and guilt, and embrace the possibility of true healing. The stars above seem to twinkle with anticipation, as if sensing the raw power of Suhani's newfound resolve.

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