The Wisp Sings

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Author's note:

hello <33
ive decided to stick to shorter chapters, this way it'll be easier for me to update several times throughout the week. also allows more liberty while writing, as i dont have to stick to smth specific before posting.

this chapter isnt light, per se, but that seems to be the theme for the whole fic

content warning:
- grief and dealing with it
- some childhood trauma (im not sure if i can say that, really, but its there)
- blood and brief descriptions of bodily injuries
let me know if i missed any

this chapter deals with grief and the aftermath of death

Accompanying song: The Wisp Sings by Winter Aid

Regulus' eyes fluttered open.

He didn't remember where he was for a moment, or what had happened that had led to him lying against a wall, completely blacked out. The pain in his head was blinding. He tried moving around and immediately regretted it. The throbbing in his head only increased and it made him feel nauseous. He slumped back against the wall, willing his eyes to focus.

It was getting dark outside. He had a feeling he had been there for hours. He laid his head against the wall behind him and closed his eyes, willing himself to hold his sickness at bay.

Regulus knew the smell of blood. He even knew how it tasted. The metallic tang was familiar to him.

The smell of blood that hit his senses was enough to make him want to puke. This could not be good. The events that took place a few hours ago rushed into his head and, even though accompanied by extreme throbbing and pain and aches in his body he didn't know he had yet, Regulus stood up and willed his eyes to focus.

He saw his mother first. She was lying in the middle of the room. He saw the gun held loosely in her hand, her finger no longer wrapped around the trigger. Regulus didn't know why his mother looked paler than usual, or why she wasn't moving.

He tripped several times trying to go to her, but he made it to her side as quickly as possible. He didn't notice the pool of blood under her at first, or the fact that there was a huge gash running from her neck down to her lower abdomen. When he did, it only served to add to the buildup of hysteria.

He cupped her face with his shaking hands and felt how unnaturally cold she was.

His voice was shaky when he spoke. "Mother? Mother, wake up. Please wake up, we have to go home."

There was no answer. "Mum?" He pleaded, his voice catching in his throat, coming out weaker than he ever let himself be. He looked over to the side and his breath hitched.

He saw the blood around his father first. There was no mistaking it, he had lost too much blood for a chance of survival. Regulus knew that, he was taught how to differentiate between a lost cause and a case worth attempting to save. He knew his father was lost long before Regulus regained consciousness.

His mother...

He didn't want to admit it. Logic was far too much of a burden for Regulus to accept right now. His fingers shook, hovering over the side of her neck. He'll feel a pulse when he checks, he was sure of it. He repeated it in his head.

She's alive, she's alive, she is alive.

To anyone looking in at the scene on the outside, it would have been clear that Walburga and Orion died right there in battle. Their family tree had lost two of its members, and that was hoping that Narcissa and Bellatrix remained unharmed after being taken away.

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