Chapter 6

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(This takes place in episode 23 wingmen, also you are considered a high ranking member in Troll kind like Vendel and Usurna. That is while the Trolls do their best not to be disrespectful towards you.)

You wake to hear voices as you open your eyes to see Arrrgh and Vendel.

Vendel says,"Can you wiggle your fingers?" as he looks at Arrrgh's arm. Arrrgh made a no noise as Vendel examined it closer.

"The poison has spread. It will only grow worse. I'm afraid the effects are irreversible." Vendel said sadly.  Your eyes narrowed at Arrrgh's skin, poison. You flew off the shelf as you swirled around Arrrgh's arm.

"y/n! Oh I am so happy to see you awake. Do you think you could cure this?" Vendel said while pointing to Arrrgh's arm. Wrapping your body around his arm you start absorbing the poison as your body turns green. Arrrgh's arm turns back to normal as you fall off his arm coughing.

"y/n are you alright?" Vendel said nervously as Arrrgh picked you up. You spat out a green gem as your color returned to normal. You chirp happily at Arrrgh as he hums a thank you to you. A horn was blown as it drew your attention, Arrrgh seemed happy by this noise as he placed you on his horns as he walked towards the noise with Vendel following close behind.

You see the Krubera and queen Usurna as they stop in front of you, Blinky, Arrrgh, Vendel, and three humans.

"Your visit is an unexpected honor." Vendel said.

Queen Usurna said," Vendel." you heard Jim and blinky mumble something but you couldn't quite hear what they said,"Aarghaumont, my kingstro." Arrrgh bowed as Queen Usurna did the same. They hummed as they joined foreheads. Arrrgh's carvings glow blue as it disappears once they separate."The centuries pass, yet, you remain forever in our hearts." Queen Usurna said.

"My queen." Arrrgh said as her eyes traveled to the glowing orange creature on Arrrgh's horns.

"It is great to see you as well old friend, the ancient guardian, the giver of life!" Queen Usurna said as a smile appeared on her face. You giggled as you bowed your head to her.

Allow me to introduce our Trollhunter, slayer of Gunmar's son." Blinky said Grabbing Queen Usurna's attention.

"Uh, James Lake Jr. your Queen-ness." Jim said as Usurna grabbed his face examining it.

"Human Trollhunter, I heard stories, didn't believe." Usurna said. While Jim and Usurna talked, you floated off Arrrgh's horns as you wrapped yourself around Vendel's staff.

"That's not how you speak to a Queen." Vendel said as his words snapped you back into the conversation they were having.

"Their informality is amusing. No, Trollhunter, we do not have it but I am familiar with that which you seek. It was once in our possession but stolen years ago." Usurna said while you wondered what they were talking about.

"But if you don't have it, why did you come here?" Jim said, confused.

"To celebrate... this rare and momentous visit. I propose a grand match of pyrobligst!" Vendel cheerfully as the trolls around them cheered.

"Then it is wise that I brought with me our tribe's two hottious trolls." Usurna said, pointing at two Krubera.

"Aaarrrgghh will represent us. As will the Trollhunter." Vendel said.

"Yeah go Jimbo!" Toby said happily.

"Wait, PyroBligst What is that, a game?" Jim said as Blinky whispered the answer to him as Jim's face pales.

"I shall look forward to the game, later this evening." Usurna said as she and her troops walked away.

You fly over to the Three humans as you look at the new human that joined the group closely.

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