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It's a new year for students at Kwon Institute, as first year student Lee Chan walks through the hallways to the side of the locker holding a cup of iced americano, heading towards three boys who are leaning against their own lockers.

"Here you go Seungkwan."
Chan hands the americano to Boo Seungkwan ㅡThe youngest member of the trio BOOSEOKSOON.ㅡ

Seungkwan grabs the drink, "It's about damn time."
"Good Morning hyungs." The younger greets the other two boys who are with Seungkwan.

Lee Chan was been Seungkwan's little lackey since diapers, even though Chan comes from a well off family. He'll do anything for Seungkwan and his friends, like literally anything.

"Morning Chan."
Both boys replied in sync, "Ready for your first day?" Kwon Soonyoung
ㅡThe oldest member of BOOSEOKSOONㅡ  ask, "Uh-huh." Chan replies.

Seungkwan's eyes catch glance of someone and groans causing the three boys attention to drift to him, "What's wrong Boo?" Lee Seokmin ㅡLeader of BOOSEOKSOONㅡ asked, "That boy." Seungkwan grins evily looking at a group of boys, "Which one?" Chan asked.

"The midget."
"What did he do Boo?" Soonyoung questioned.

"He took my place as main singer of the music club." Vemon latched in Seungkwan's voice, "Main singer? Isn't it the first day for them to announce it?"
Seungkwan rolled his eyes at Chan. "That's why we have a group chat dimwit."

"Ok then, what place do you get?"
"Lead.....I got as lead singer, can you believe that?" Seungkwan answered Chan.

"Is it bad?" Seungkwan throw a glare at Soonyoung.
"It's bad, I'm second. I don't want to be second, I want to be first." Seungkwan whines and sadly pouts, suddenly his face lits up.

"Oh Channie?" Seungkwan sweetly calls out to the boy, "Yes?" Chan diverts his attention to Seungkwan.

"Would you like me to give you a task on your first year?"
"Sure, I guess." Chan hesitantly said. "Okay" Seungkwan beamed, nearing closer to the boy whispering something in his ear.

"You got it?" Chan nods, "Ok hyung I'm going to get my schedule, I'll see you later after completing the task bye." Chan left the trio.

Seungkwan sipped his iced americano as a devilish smile plastered on his lips.
"What are you planning to do Boo?" Seokmin asked.
"Nothing much."

Seokmin looks down towards a girl. "What?" He coldly answered.
The girl shyly smiles, extending her hands.
"I-I brought you a latte." The girl stuttered feeling Seokmin's intense gaze.
"Aw isn't that sweet." Soonyoung mocked grinning at Seokmin.

Seokmin rolled his eyes looking back at the girl and smirks.
"Thank you pretty lady." Seokmin pecked her cheeks as a red blush spreads on her cheeks.
Seokmin confirm it that that girl definitely like him.

"And what's your name?"
"Chae Minji."

Seokmin caressed her cheek. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Everyone in the halls witnessed the fake act and the lies Seokmin feed the girl.

Seungkwan and Soonyoung stood behind chuckling lightly. Minji was an idiot for sure.

"Let's go tour around." Seokmin said slipping his arm around her waist not before winking towards his best friends.

"Don't forget to condomize!" Seungkwan yelled out, and high-fives with Soonyoung laughing their arses off.

Hope you enjoyed.
Have a pleasant day.

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