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Jihoon cleaned up his studio apartment, getting ready to leave.

He cursed out when the freshly brewed coffee spilled on his baby blue shirt, the same time his phone start to ring.

"I'm coming. Just wait for me."

With that Jihoon quickly ends the call to go change.

Jihoon groans as his pinky toe hits the edge of the bed. What a way to start a day.
He changes his shirt to a plain white shirt.

Outside his apartment Hansol stood at the entrance waiting.
"Morning hyung?" The younger greets.

"Morning Hansollie," The two make their way downtown to a local café.

"There are the others."
Hansol pointed out.

"Morning guys," Hansol sat next to Jihoon as greets the Chinese duo.

The four ordered some breakfast and beverages.

They had a lively conversation about university work and their love life.

"So how is your relationship with Seungkwan?"
From the friend group Jun, Minghao Hansol were the only one who didn't seem to have a problem with the BooSeokSoon trio.

Vernon smiled at the question, "It's fine his family is nice and he's other friends don't have a problem.

Jihoon secretly rolled his eyes.
"Let's hurry up, we don't want to be late."

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