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Jeonghan throw himself into the embrace of his boyfriend, rubbing his head against his chest. They haven't seen eachother for a whole month.

"Hey baby." Jeonghan's boyfriend Seungcheol wrapped his arms around his waist. "Hey Cheollie."

Seungcheol diverts his eyes from Jeonghan to Jisoo, Jeonghan's best friend.

"Sup Josh" "Hello Seungcheol. Long time no see, see you still haven't changed not even a little." Jisoo displayed an innocent smile on his lips.
"I have to say the same to you Josh, you haven't changed the slightest since the last time I saw you. Are you still a virgin? Or are you planning to marry your bible?" Seungcheol smirks.

Jeonghan rolls his eyes, 'The beef between this two.'
Jeonghan jabs Seungcheol in the ribs, earning a painful groan from the latter.

"That's no way to talk to my best friend, apologise." Jeonghan demanded.
Seungcheol pouts, starting to get sulky. "But he started it first!" Seungcheol half whines half yells.

"Choi Seungcheol did you just yell at me and on top of that you dared to talk back."

Seungcheol sighs, knowing it's best not to argue with Jeonghan. Even though his boyfriend is small and shorter, Jeonghan was not the one to mess with.

"I'm sorry baby, sorry Jisoo."
Jisoo rolls his eyes, he knew Seungcheol didn't mean it. He was just doing it to most definitely satisfy Jeonghan. "Whatever"

"Mingyu,Wonwoo." Jeonghan said went to hug the younger.
"Good Morning you two."

Seungcheol and Jisoo said the same time as they glare at eachother.

"How are you?"
Jeonghan asked looking at Wonwoo's grumpy face.
"Hyung's fine, I'm fine. We're both fine. Right Wonwoo hyungie?"

Wonwoo loudly groans and hugs Mingyu, pushing his head into the taller's chest.

Jeonghan chuckles as he pats Wonwoo's head.


Wonwoo's eyes light up, rising his head from Mingyu's chest.


The two best friends embraced eachother in the most loving hug.
"I missed you"

Jihoon said smiling towards Wonwoo.
"Me too......Oh hey guys."

Wonwoo waves at the other three foreign looking boys that arrived  with Jihoon.

"Morning hyung/Wonwoo."
The three said.


The friend group stepped inside the institute, heading straight to their lockers that were fortunately all next to eachother.

"So how was the holiday, everyone?"
As the oldest, Seungcheol inquired.

"Mine, was not so fun but I got picked as main singer of the music club."
Jihoon said smiling happy.

"Hao and I visited China, stayed with my parents his parents. It was really fun."

Seungcheol nods, looking towards Wonwoo's direction who standing infront of Mingyu while fully leaning on him, while Mingyu was leaning on his locker with his arm around his hyung's waist.

"Nothing much just working."
Said Wonwoo.

"Well, Joshuji and I....." Jeonghan giggled.

By then the group knew were the two second and third oldest went.
Jeonghan was really feeling himself.

"We went to LA. I tried their McDonalds and it's so good and we took alot of pictures too."

Everyone smiles as Jeonghan talk about their trip.
Seungcheol was grateful to Jisoo's parents for giving his boyfriend such an opportunity to travel.

He remembers Jeonghan's sleepless nights because he was way too excited for the trip.
He remembers who Jeonghan cried at the airport, not wanting him to leave.
Something he cherished.

Seungcheol called out.

"Oh..Seungkwan and I..."
Hansol stop examining everyones facial expression.
At the mention of the boy's name everyones smile drop.

"Don't forget to condomize!"

The groups attention snapped to the direction two of Kwon Institute's biggest bullys.

Hansol secretly smiled looking at his Boo.
Jisoo looks down when the leader of BSS passes by.

"Oh gosh, he's coming."
Minghao grumbled.


Hansol pulls the shorter in a soft tender kiss, that lasted for a minute or so.
The American cups Seungkwan's cheeks pecking his cute button nose and forehead.

A red tint spread across Seungkwan's cheeks and ear tips.

Hansol completely forgot about his hyungs behind him.
Seungcheol felt a certain warmth in his chest while looking at Hansol, they looked so inlove.

"Let's go."
Seungkwan held Hansol's hand.

"Go where?"
Hansol frowns.

"Soonyoung hyung."
"Ok. Bye hyungs."

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