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After the auditorium gathering all were sent to their departments to start the day.

After getting his new schedule, Jihoon notice that his class will start at 10:00am.

So no classes, Jihoon heads to his favourite place in the whole institute the music room.

From pianos to flutes, it was like all kinds of instruments were there.

"Woah, is that new?"
Jihoon saw a baton box and opened it inside was a glass baton.

He took the baton out.
"Follow the maestro lead."
Jihoon lightly sang.


Jihoon drops the baton, the glass shuttering into pieces.
"Oops, did I scare you?"

Seungkwan mocked as he leans against the piano looking at the frightened Jihoon.

Jihoon covered his mouth, he was sure the baton was expensive probably costed over 10 thousand won or more.

"Clumsy Jihoon. That was such a expensive baton, if you kept your filthy hands to yourself that baton would've never shuttered. Don't you think?"

Seungkwan walking towards the shorter direction.
"What are you waiting for pick it up."

Seungkwan held Jihoon's shoulder pushing him down so he picks up the small broken glass.

"What's going on here?"
Leader of the music club, Cha Eunwoo asked.
Seungkwan lets go of Jihoon's shoulder.

"The midget here dropped the new glass baton."

Eunwoo's eyes narrowed at Seungkwan then at Jihoon.

"Eunwoo I didn't drop it on purpose it was a mistake. I promise."
Jihoon sounded like he wanted to cry.

"It's okay Jihoon hyung. The batons came in multiple numbers so there's still more."

Jihoon lightly sniffles, "Okay."
Jihoon rushes out of the music room he finds a empty class and is quick to lock the door.

"My little Hoonie?"


"18..19..20 thousand, ₩20 thousand!"
Jeonghan happily exclaimed after counting the money that he received.

Jisoo received  ₩15 thousand and Seungcheol received ₩10 thousand.

"There's so much I can do with 20 thousand," Jeonghan gasps.
"I'm going to buy a whole convenience store"

Jeonghan giggles putting the money back into the envelope and into his bag pack.

The three were behind the institute where their was a garden, they sat under a tree.

"What are you writing Joshuji?"
Jeonghan questioned looking at Jisoo's  black cover diary.
Even though Jeonghan knew Jisoo wouldn't tell him there's no harm in trying.

"Private stuff."
Jisoo tonelessly answered.
Jeonghan huffed and cutely pout moving onto Seungcheol's lap.


'I miss you'
'Do you miss me?'
'I'm dieing Wonnie'
'Talk to me'
'I love you Wonnie'
'Do you love me too?'

'Mingyu quit texting me I'm in the middle of a lecture'
'And yes, I love you too'

"Is there something you would like to share with us Mr kim?"

Mingyu looks up from his phone, "Sorry Ms Yang, my boyfriend being clingy."

Mingyu switches phone off paying attention to the lesson.

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