Alien Rangers of Aquitar P1

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The beginning of Jenna's new story! I love the alien rangers! Especially Delphine, totally a girlboss! Anyway, continue on and enjoy the story.


Jenna was still staring, disapprovingly, at the young Rangers. They were older than her still, but they seemed to have given up.

And that really wasn't fair. She had just become a Ranger, and now it seemed she wasn't going to be able to morph or anything.

Not that she had tried yet, the Rangers hadn't really acknowledged her, and she couldn't really just morph in front of all these people.

Not to mention, while everyone else had de-aged - including Theo and Lily - Jenna was left in her 5-year old state.

"Uh, oh, I think we're in big trouble here," Tommy said.

"Yeah, Tommy. No powers and we're kids again," Adam pointed out.

"I might still have my powers," Jenna muttered, not bothering to be loud, thinking that they wouldn't listen to her anyway.

"We've gotta contact Zordon," Billy decided.

"Zordon, come in," Tommy spoke into his communicator. "This is Tommy." But no one responded.

"What's happening?" Aisha asked, worriedly.

"I was afraid of this. Our communicators are dead," Billy turned to Jenna, whom he expected was the only one who understood. "They're designed to work in conjunction with our powers, which no longer exist."

"Not only that, but the orb didn't just regress your ages, the world completely went back in time, except we weren't as extremely affected," Jenna explained.

"What are we gonna do?" Kat asked. Jenna was going to comment something, but the ground started shaking. The shaking was too forceful to just have been another earthquake. The group stumbled and went over and held onto a random white car so they wouldn't fall over.

"Hey, what's going on?" Adam asked, confused.

"I think I might have an idea," Jenna spoke quietly, but the others still heard. They looked up in the direction she was staring, a slight hint of fear.

They saw Lord Zedd, getting closer to the city in his giant form.

"Careful," Tommy advised.

"Man!" Rocky said, upset.

"This is serious," Tommy said. Jenna almost lost her footing, but she grabbed onto Rocky's arm, trying not to fall. He pulled her in closer to the car, trying to steady her.

"Hang on, guys," Billy warned.

"Not as easy as you're making it sound, Billy," Jenna frowned, feeling dizzy.

MMAR: Jenna StewartWhere stories live. Discover now