The dream - chapter 1

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I pressed the alarm to go off. My arms and hands and my whole body were shaking from the dream I had. I still have no way of figuring out what it meant and why I had it.

I got up to sit in bed with half the blanket still on me. A few drops of sweat were falling from my forehead and I said placing my feet on the floor. "This...this dream felt too real, way too real" and it was. Up until now, I've had strange dreams, after all, everyone has, but this dream was real, I could feel anything, not only my feelings but also those of the people around me. I sighed. "Ah well... it's just a dream, I don't have to stress too much right? Plus I have bigger problems than a dream."

So I got out of bed. I took the phone and looked to see what time it was. "Agh, I don't feel like work," I said disappointed seeing the time 07:15. After I went to the bathroom and took a shower, I brushed my teeth. Looking in the mirror I saw the same boring man with black hair, brown eyes, and a few pimples on my face. I couldn't even say I looked good, mediocre at best. "Ahh how good it was if I was in that dream, I could kill demons and even angels! Heh but who am I fooling? I am living in my world" I said smiling and disappointed at the same time.

I let out a sigh and put my clothes on. Nothing special, a pair of black jeans, a white shirt, a hoodie, and the backpack where I put my food and water. Well, let's go, I thought to myself as I put my headphones on and left the house.

While I was walking to the bus, I took out a cigarette and lit it. I know it's not healthy, but sometimes I think it's good to be addicted to something. It's not like someone isn't, everyone has their addictions, some people have addictions that don't affect anyone and others have addictions that leave trauma to other people, I can't even think about these things because I'm sensitive and can react a little badly when I hear or see these things.

Waiting for the bus I looked to the left and right, some people were waiting for the bus. The only person that caught my attention was a girl with short blond hair and green eyes, and she was looking at her phone. I can't say that I fell in love, but I admit, that girl looks gorgeous. She is dressed quite simply in blue jeans and a white shirt, with a school bag behind her. With her jawline sticking out, you can see that she is a bit thin and fit as well. "Hmm?" the blonde girl said as she looked at me. I turned my head quickly so I wouldn't look like a freak. "Pfew...I hope she didn't see me," I whispered.

After a few minutes, the bus arrived. I climbed into it and sat in front by the window, what can I say? I like to admire from the window while listening to music. When I arrived at the station where I had to get off, I greeted the driver and got off the bus. In front of the bus station is the shop where I work. It is not a very good job and it is not recognized at all but I have nothing to do, I need money and this job is the only one I have found. I sighed and took the first step towards the store but suddenly, someone hit me from behind.

"Ouch!" I said looking behind me. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know where to get off and when I realized it was too late I ran to get out as fast as I could from the bus! I sincerely apologize", said fast the blonde girl from the bus station. I, still surprised, answered uncertainly, "Uh...yeah, it's okay, I assume you're the new employee at this store, right?" and pointed to the store in front of us.

The woman nodded. Me, scratching my neck, I said. "Ah, well, I'm employed here, I was told that someone would come, but I had no information about who it was." Without pausing, I flashed a fake smile and continued to say, "Then what are you waiting for?" let me introduce you to the store".Without hearing an answer, I started to go to the store, just before I entered the doors opened automatically and I could see the interior.

The store was a food store and it wasn't big at all, there were only 4 sections and a window on the right side with different types of salami, sausages and what else is there. On the left, the nearest shelf was a bunch of wines and juices, in the next shelf were crisps and some games, like Rummy and Chess. And in the back, there was canned food. I left his girl between the first and we both went near the cash deck. Looking at her I waited a few seconds, she still didn't say anything so I took the first step and said,  "So, the new girl. Before we start, wouldn't it be better if you told me your name? My mouth would get tired of always calling you "New Girl" wouldn't it? I'm Alex and welcome to us" I smiled as I held out my hand.

"Delighted," said the girl, took my hand and smiled, "I'm Lila, I hope we get along very well, sir haha" Lila laughed a little and let go of my hand, "Heh, sir?" I said, "I'm only 20 years old, so you can only call me by my name, okay?" I replied leaning my back against the wall in front of the cash desk. "Yes yes yes, okay Alex, where do we start? What do I have to do?" said Lila, looking around. "Well, first I have to show you the store, right? And finally, we have to go down to the cellar to show you the inventory, what we have, and where you can find the things you need." I let a few seconds pass before I continued.

"But first we have to wait for Lunar, he's my colleague and I'll tell you from now on, he's always late". Lila looked at me carefully while I was talking to her, she didn't talk much and didn't dare to talk over me. Maybe she's shy? I thought to myself, theoretically, anyone would be right.

While I was in my thoughts, the automatic doors opened and a 1.90 cm person with brown hair and blue eyes walked into the store. The body was well built and I could see the pale white shirt resisting his muscles. This was Lunar, and I hated him. I looked at him a little coldly until I shook my head and said, "This is Lunar, our colleague and our 'brute' " Lila nodded but then asked seriously, "Why is he called a brute?", I was a little surprised at the question and said ironically, "Oh well... if a guy of 190 cm with muscles as big as the house is not a brute then I don't know who he is" after I answered I thought it was strange how weird this girl is. Lila is quite mature but it seems she is also stupid. And not to say that she doesn't understand some sayings or jokes. But I can't complain, at least she's beautiful, right?

I sighed and gave Lunar a handshake. After I took my hand back Lunar looked at me and then at Lila, then at me and back at Lila.  He repeated it a few times until he said, "Alex...did you get a girlfriend?" my mouth dropped when I heard this and I didn't answer. I let the sound of the fan and the machines in the store go until when I managed to come to my senses.

How big and strong he is...that's how stupid he is. Lila started laughing and I shook my head, "No no, she's our new co-worker."  Plus, it's not like I'll ever have a girlfriend I said in my mind.  "Ahhhhh now I understand, co-worker yes yes yes," said Lunar putting his hand on his chin and nodding as if he understood something.

"Good, now let's introduce you to the store, Lunar, can you show her? I'll go downstairs and write and see if we need any more of a certain type of food or a particular food,"  I said.  The two nodded and I went to the back of the store. Near the end of the store is an employee door, I opened it and entered a small empty hall, there was nothing left in it but some stairs and an elevator next to it. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to use the elevator because it was only for food, so I had to go down the stairs. While cruising along I turned on the lights. Downstairs were a few closets where Lunar and I put our clothes and personal belongings. I put my bag in the locker where my name was written. "Alex Leysin huh?" I whispered as I read my name. I don't know why but I started to hate this name, maybe because of my dad? Who knows. After I closed the cupboard I went to the adjacent room.

This room was huge and here was all the food for the shop, in front of it were 2 refrigerators where we kept our meat and to the left, right and in the middle were high areas containing the different foods. I started looking to see if we had any extra or if there were foods that were expiring soon.


"Ahhh and that was the last jar," I said as I left the jar down. After a few seconds of writing down the last things, I heard a strange noise from the closet room.  "Hm?" I said walking back to the door with a thud. I was a little skeptical of what it could be, but I didn't panic, I had no reason to. I walked softly towards the door without making a sound. When I approached the door I suddenly heard a terrible girl-like scream coming from the room, at that moment the door suddenly opened and a person screaming and running towards me.

"What the hell-" I said without finishing my sentence Lunar ran towards me and screamed like a girl as a rat came out of the room.

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