The Choice of Faith - chapter 5

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Alex's POV

"God?" I said, completely surprised and full of questions. In the situation I'm in, I shouldn't be too surprised, after all, I died and as a result, I should meet a higher being, right?

I let a few seconds pass as I continued to process everything that had happened this day. But I realized that now wasn't the time. The being who created everything, the being who is everything, stood right in front of me and spoke to me. God had appeared before me.

Once again, I looked at this wall of light that had appeared before me. My mind filled with all sorts of questions, I tried to say something, but I didn't know what. What could I ask God? In the end, I gathered up my courage and looked up.

"Why am I here? Why have you appeared to me, and why are we both here?" I felt like I asked too quickly, but that didn't matter, right? Various thoughts and scenarios ran through my mind, so much that I still didn't know how to express myself, what to say, or what to ask.

Once I finished my thoughts, God continued to speak, just like before. I could hear a voice echoing as if it came from everywhere.

["Before I answer your inquiries, it is appropriate for me to humble myself before you."]

"Uh? What do you-" I couldn't finish the sentence because as soon as I started, a bright light appeared in front of me. A light that emanated from this yellow wall, or rather, from God. For a moment, I couldn't see anything. It's not like when I close my eyes, because even then, I see "black" or the absence of light. But this time, I really couldn't see anything, as if I were trying to see something with my hand. After this effect disappeared, I could see again, but this time in front of me wasn't God, but a person. It was me.

"I thought that if I took on the form of your body and a little bit of your vocabulary, we could converse better, don't you think?" I said, or rather, God said. And it was true; the person in front of me looked exactly like me. With the same features, the same black hair. But the only difference between me and him is that he has green eyes. Eyes open as if they hold all the life on Earth within them.

Again, I got lost in my thoughts for too long and made God wait.

"Uh... I'm sorry? I don't want you to wait so long for me, but everything is so overwhelming, and I still can't grasp it all." I said, a little embarrassed but I didn't have a choice.

God shook his head in disagreement and then continued to speak.

"Don't worry about it, Alex. I'm willing to wait here with you until you're ready." Here I realized that the voice from before had dramatically changed, not only that, but it sounded very similar to mine. And another question popped into my head, ready for what? What are we going to talk about? Or the fact that I'm talking to God?

I realized that if I kept pondering, I wouldn't get any answers, so I had to ask what was happening. I opened my mouth to speak, but as I did, God took a step forward. No sound was made as he stepped, surrounding me, studying and analyzing me. With each passing second, it felt like he was judging every cell and transparent hair on my body. When he completed a full rotation around me, he stopped in front of me.

"Is this the moment when you judge me and decide if I deserve heaven or hell?" I asked curiously. Maybe that's what it was all about, observing my reaction and judging me all this time?

"Not quite, I do judge you, but not if you deserve heaven or hell. I don't decide that." God replied back, a straightforward and sincere answer as if he knew I would ask that.

"You don't decide? But if you don't decide, then who? Who else could have that authority if not you?" I asked again. He didn't answer me right away, but he started to smile. A smile I had never seen on my face. A genuine smile, a smile of joy.

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