Prologue - part 1

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Blood. That's all I see around me. Not only around me but also me. My hands are covered in blood, and so are my face, armor, and weapon. When I looked back in front I came to my senses. I am in the war field.
But the strange thing is that I am not at war with humans, I am at war with angels and demons. Then I rose from the lifeless body of a Demon Lordling. The demon was large and had horns coming out of his head in the shape of a ram. The skin was red, out of blood, and full of relics. It was to be expected for a demon through the highest ranks of hell. I let my free weapon fall down but before it fell I said "Volva Circum".
It was a light but at the same time powerful spell. This spell makes my weapon move around me and waits for my command or it can me shield if needed. After noticing the weapon spinning around me 2 times I rose into the air.
The atmosphere around me changed radically as if all air and space were waiting for my command. I rose almost 300 meters into the air to look at the battlefield. White and red beings could be seen everywhere fighting each other. All these beings were beyond human conception, or at least it was 10 years ago. I raised my arm and extended my mana a bit waiting for my spell to be created. All the beings below sensed what I wanted to do and I could see the terror in their eyes.
"ALEX, DON'T DO IT NOW. THIS IS NOT THE TIME, THERE ARE ANGELS HERE TOO" Archangel Michael shouted at me. But I didn't listen to him, I pointed my arm down at the multitude of so-called "superior" beings and said, in such a way that everyone could hear me, "As if I care, Michael, they are all my enemies." Looking down at the terrified angels and demons, I said coldly "Aniquila. "
And so, after I said that word, a flame, a ray of black light came out of my hand as if running away from me. The beam stretched and spread across the battlefield. I could hear the voices and cries of my enemies as they were eaten and shattered by my beam. At that time I could finally understand why God gave me this power. After 10 seconds I put my hand down, the result? Within a radius of 2 kilometers, everything that was below me and in front of me was destroyed. All that remained was a huge crater.

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