Finding A Married Man

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Written by: khadyjatt




Dialing the contact for the 100th time it rings without answering which makes Amirah to sigh and throw the phone on the bed, everything is just somehow for her at the moment, she's been restless, confused, and desperate, she grabs her car keys from the bedside and decides to go out perhaps that would help.

"Like this girl is just too much, I fucking hate her
Apparently, there's this junior student who can't remember her name but, Fatima hates her like I don't know why,
She was harassing her 2days ago and I went there and was like, just let her be is lunchtime time she's just a junior, the girl left but you know what she did?
She was pissed and went to my locker and scrambled  idiot."The teenage boy says exhausted and his Aunt laughs.

"Honestly Aunty Inaya it's not funny,
Fati is just too much and very annoying,
I don't know what I did to her, she's making my last days in that school miserable."

"But I have seen her before, she's kinda okay and friendly."His Aunt replied and he huffed.

She's insane, that girl is I don't what to even say,
Today in class so I received quite a lot of gifts a lot from anonymous people and they brought this cake with a note written on it with all these cliche words and everyone was laughing not in a mocking way but Fati just chose to be mean and even bashed the cake,
I was pissed I would have beat the crap out of her and rested, so annoying." he said upset and his Aunt chuckled.

"What if she likes you?
You know ladies we do..........

"Likes who?
God forbid, I rebuke it, Aunty,
She doesn't even feel that way, I don't care but can't she be nice for once I did nothing to her,
I can't speak and she will be like
"There we go mr I too know and my accent is better than everyone else," he says trying to mimic her voice as his aunty laughs.

Jamal is an average teenager in his late teenage of age, born in an extended family full of boys he's, unfortunately, the first grandchild of the big family of Suleyman, in everything he put his family first and tries his best to maintain a cordial relationship with everyone even though most at the time people ruled him out egocentric and cocky because he speak less in public and rarely even smile but at home he's life of the party and everyone's favorite person because of how friendly he is with everyone.

"But on a serious note, maybe Fatima likes you,
You know we girls when we like someone and we don't get their attention we automatically start getting irritated, try to be very close to her and be nice." his aunt said and he huffed.

"How nice?
Fatimah is just a mean girl,
Do you know how many times I tried to be nice to her and she bounced it off on me?
Whatever" I hate her anyway please Aunty Inaya are you people not done?
I need to go and meet Uncle Imran at the site,
Ustaz is even here i will just go and recite my hadda and leave." he says standing up and kicking the little
The boy's toy which made the boy grab his leg and bite him.

"This your boy is mean,
Stand up ustaz is here."Jamal says and lifts the 5-year-old boy who's now laughing.

"When are we going to the park?" he asks again dropping the boy on the floor.

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