Planes and Neon Pink Signs

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Disclaimer! I don't own any of these characters! They all belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling!!

The story takes place one year after the Demigods returned from Hogwarts.

Harry POV

"Ron. Ron! RON! RONALD BILLIUS WEASLY!!!!" Hermione yelled while receiving many odd stares, I laughed, she was trying in vain to wake Ron up after the 8 hour plane ride from London to New York.

"Hermione, this is how you do it," I said, and pinched his nostrils while Draco laughed,

"GAAHHH!" He woke up immediately, Hermione was silently fuming,

"Good morning Ron! We're in America!" I announced while standing up and starting to pull our suitcases from the overhead compartments.

"Bloody Hell mate, I'm pretty sure we just boarded the plane!" he said,

"No Ronald, you fell asleep as soon as we boarded!" Hermione said angrily,

"Guys, as much as I'd love to keep talking about Ron's sleeping habits, I believe Percy is waiting for us outside the plane." I said. They agreed with me and we walked out of the plane, and into the airport thingy. The place was bustling with travellers, and out of the blue, a bright neon pink piece of poster board rose into the air, and written on it in all caps was,


And at the bottom of the board in elegant scrawl was,


Percy, Annabeth, The Stolls, Will, Katie, Nico, Thalia, Clarisse, Rachel, and everyone else!!!!

"Wow." the four of us said in unison, and of course, nearly every single person in the terminal was staring at it.

"Harry, I think that's them!" Ron exclaimed, I looked at him

"No dip Sherlock. Of course it's them!" Malfoy said,

"I wonder who made the board, I mean the demigods can barely read English, let alone write in cursive..... OH! Rachel must have made it!" Hermione said, and we made our way towards the oh so inconspicuous pink sign.

When we reached the holder of the sign, there were two people talking with it's holder, Percy.

"Dudes! You guys are not the freakoids we're looking fo- hey guys!" The two men walked away with a huff,

"Hi Percy!" I said, and Annabeth walked towards us with waterbottles in her hands,

"Hey guys!" She exclaimed, and we exchanged hugs and caught up with each other while walking towardsthe baggage claim.

"So, how's life?" Percy asked

"It's pretty cool." We talked some more,

"Yo, are these yours?" Percyy asked pulling four trunks from the conveyor belt,

"Yeah!" Draco said,

"Cool, lets go!" He loaded the trunks onto a cart and walked us to the parking lot. There two cars were waiting, a black Rubicon, and a white Aston Martin Rapide. "Alright, so we have two cars and six people. The Rubicon, that's the Jeep, can hold two people and all of the trunks. The Rapide, thats the white one, holds four."

After much consulting, we decided (much to Percy's displeasure) that the girls would go to camp in the Jeep, and the guys would go to camp in the "Sad lame-o car that doesn't have stick shift and can't go off road." quote Percy.

We put the trunks in the Jeep, and Percy handed Annabeth the keys,

"See you at camp."

"Ditto Seaweed Brain" And the guys, well we loaded ourselves into Annabeth's car, and I had shotgun.

"Hello, this is your captain speaking. Welcome to Annabeth's sad lame-o car that doesn't have stick shift, and can't go off road, this is your captain speaking, we will be making a 45 minute journey from JFK National Airport to Camp Half-Blood. Please fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!" And with that, we drove onto the Highway.

"I need music." Percy declared, and pushed the CD button, instantly the sound of One Direction hit us, and we covered our ears as Percy jabbed at the touch screen until it was silent. "Gods, it must have been Annabeth's turn to drive for the FSCN." Ron leaned forward,

"What's FSCN?"

"Only the worst thing to ever hit this Earth. FSCN is Female Senior Counselor's Night, and it's basically like, every month, the female senior counselors go out of camp, and have a girls' night. They discuss "battle plans" and stuff like that, have dinner, and party. And Annabeth was one of the drivers."

"That sound's terrible!" Draco said,

"I know! But the girls, oh they love it. It's the only time warriors like Clarisse go ten feet of the Aphrodite cabin." Wow. We talked about more stuff until I asked,

"Percy, why don't you like this car?"

"Haven't I explained that? It's a sad lame-o ca-"

"Yeah, but this is an Aston Martin Rapide, one of the most expensive sedans in the world!" I interjected,

"Hm, really? All I know is that Annabeth's mom, Athena got this for her eighteenth birthday."

"Athena must be amazing!" Ron exclaimed, and all Percy gave was an "eh". After some more driving, we pulled onto a gravel road and stopped.

"Welcome to Camp!" and Annabeth pulled up onto the gravel with Hermione.

"We're going to go park so just walk past the pine tree, and you'll see a big red house, go to that one. Everyone knows you're coming!" With that he hopped into the Rapide and drove away with Annabeth into the camp.

"Well, that was a fun ride." Hermione said happily,

"Let's enter camp!" Ron exclaimed, and ran forward only to hit some sort of invisible barrier. "OOF!"

"Are you alright Ron?" I called,

"Yeah mate," Hermione, Draco, and I walked forward only to be hit by the same wall. Except Draco passed through.

"Oi!! Malfoy, what kind of sick joke is this?" Ron yelled,

"Er, I don't know, if I remember correctly.... it was, um, oh! I, James Dawson the Son of Ares, allow Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasly, and Harry Potter into Camp Half-Blood." And instantly the barrier vanished.

The sound of a horn greeted us from the tallest tree, and a Stoll jumped down,

"Hey guys! Welcome to camp!" and other demigods started to walk towards us, Percy and Annabeth appeared on the front porch of the red house, and set our trunks down. We walked towards them, and I looked around.

There was a forrest, and amphitheater, an arena, and an assortment of the most beautiful, distinguished cabins I had ever seen.

"Hey Annabe-" I was cut off with the sound of explosions, and a hellhound the size of a school bus rantowards to Percy who had his back towards it, and tackled him.

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