I Get the Privilege to Meet the God of Revelries

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Disclaimer! I own any of these characters!!! They all belong to Rick Riordan or J.K. Rowling!!

Hermione POV

"Hey! Get off me!!! Mrs. O'Glabrabrb" Percy yelled under the dog, Harry and I rushed forward with our wands out, and ran towards him.

" Stop!" Annabeth called, and we froze, Percy was still under the dog probably getting shredded.

"Annabeth! Percy's under a Hellhound! Who knows what it's doing to him?!" I yelled, and the other campers snickered.

"Hermione, that Hellhound is actually a very special dog. It was a gift to Percy by an old friend. Her name is Mrs. O'Leary!" The Hellhound perked up at her name and bounded towards Annabeth who shouted, "No! Down! Sit! Good girl!!! Did you miss me Mrs. O'Leary?" and started to play with it. Percy stood up, his hair sticking in all directions, drenched in dog slobber. EW.

"Wait, so Percy owns a Hellhound?!" Harry asked,

"Yup" Percy walked over, "Let me give you guys a tour."

The Camp was beautiful. Trees surrounded the area, there were cabins, a climbing wall, and an amphitheater! We walked towards a large red house with a weather vane on top of the roof. 

"Welcome to Camp!" Percy announced with his arm around Annabeth. I was astounded at the contrasting images of each cabin! Oh, and that Percy was dry, and his hair wasn't sticking anywhere. The Hellhound was currently following Clarisse to a large field.

"Chiron'll probably be waiting, so lets get you guys to the Big House!" Annabeth said, and pointed to the SHOCKER big red house. We walked towards the porch and saw a centaur playing a card game with a pudgy man with enough bright colors on him to make a clown jealous. A centaur, playing cards. We wizards knelt as soon as he turned around, Percy snickered,

"Wizards, welcome to Camp. You do not have to kneel in front of me. I understand quite well how my brothers in Europe handle human matters. But while you are in the states, it is best to run from any centaurs besides me. Unless you want to get involved in their rootbeer drinking competitions, or their paintball wars." Harry, Ron and Draco grinned while beginning to stand. I stood and looked at the fat man.

"Hello sir, are you a demigod to?" I asked, and he looked up from his cards and glared,

"Who. Are. You?" He asked, I opened my mouth to answer, but Chiron cut me off,

"These people are the wizards that will be staying with us for the next half year.

"Oh, so..." he turned towards me, "So, you must be.... Harry Malfoy," he said slowly.

"Er, I'm Hermione Gran-"

"Well well well... If it isn't Jonah Demps" He pointed his gaze over to Malfoy,

"It's James Dawson, sir." I was starting to like this man less and less. He seemed so arrogant, like he owned everything.

"Well my dear girl, I don't own everything. I own somethings, but not everything." he laughed,

"How did you do that?!" I demanded,

"Do what? Hermione what did he do to you?" Ron demanded,

"This man read my mind!" I nearly yelled, Percy looked nervous,

"Hermione, that's not a good idea....." Annabeth warned me.

"Allie is right, you do not want to mess with me young lady." he said while popping a can of Diet Coke that, let me tell you, was not there 30 seconds ago.

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