Party Rocking at 9:00

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Disclaimer!! I don't own anything!!!!! This all belongs to Rick Riordan or J.K. Rowling!!


While Draco took us on our tour, I saw Harry walking with Annabeth towrads a cabin. The camp was spectacular, and while Draco would not be on our team, we would be allowed to use magic. We were at the Amphitheater when a tall brunette walked toards us,

"Are you the wizards?" 

"Uh, yes?" Hesmione said,

"Good, I'm Julia, and I'm here to tell you that," she pulled out a blue envelope, "Mr. Jackson is having a party to celebrate your arrival. All of the information needed is in the envelope."

Malfoy stepped forward,

"So, how did Percy get you to be his messenger?" The girl scowled,

"FSCM three months ago, we played some games, and the stakes were high. In the end I lost 15 drachmas to Annabeth and her sister, and had to swear fealty to the damned Son of Poseidon thanks to Clarisse and Katie. The oaths will probably wear off next week in time for the next FSCM meeting, and this time I'm not gambling with any Athenians."


"Yep, well I have to hit more counselors, so bye for now." and she walked away.

"So I'm guessing FSCM is really intense?" I said,

"Probably." was all I got from Draco we walked to where Harry had told us the cabin was and opened the envelope, Hermione read it out loud,

"You are invited to The Poseidon Cabin tonight at 9:00! This is a party to welcome the wizards!

Please wear something formal (STOLLS!!!!!)

If you want to help set up, please contact Annabeth

And remember, you can leave your weapons OUTSIDE OF MY CABIN (STOLLS!!!!!)

Please also bring your invite for entrance! A little gift table will be prepared for the wizards, and bringing a contribution to the gift table is nice! Thanks!

RSVP: Percy, Annabeth, Grover, or Julia!


* This party has been approved by Mr. D and Chiron!"

"Bloody Hell! How did he fit all of that into a sheet of paper that small?" I wondered out loud,

"Don't know mate, but I suggest we RSVP quickly, it's almost 5." Harry said, and he stood up, we all followed. Hermione stopped us,

"Woah, it does not take four wizards to RSVP. I will go and tell Annabeth that we're going okay?"

"Er, okay." I said, and sat down, the others did to, and Hermione left. 

"Who wants to play chess?" Harry asked while pulling the board and peices out with his wand,

"Me!" Draco yelled, and set the black peices up with a flick of his wand. I watched for a while, and dozed off.



"What Hermione!" I yelled shooting up and instantly hitting my forehead against her forehead,

"OW! Ron! It is eight thirty! You should really get into your suit!" She yelled,

"Alright alright! Just, go into the girl's room and don't come out." I muttered and pushed her out the door. Exactly 20 minutes later I was dressed, and Hermione was walking with me to Cabin three.

When we reached the Cabin, we were greeted with a thousand floating twinkle lights, and a red carpet up the steps to the Poseidon cabin.

"Here goes nothing." I muttereed and took Hermione's hand, and we walked inside.

Modern dance music blared from invisible speakers, and the Poseidon cabin was enlarged to 5 times it's normal size.

"Hey guys! Glad you could make it! Welcome to my party! Be sure to enter in our competitions, and have fun!" Percy greeted us with Annabeth on his arm, and went to greet the other perople arriving.

"Well, Ron do you want to dance?" Hermione asked as a disco ball and rainbow lights flashed.

"Er, sure." I said as she dragged me to the dance floor.

We danced, ate, and had fun. I met so many new people, all who were the heads of the camp. At around 11:00 Percy cleared the dance floor, and walked on with a mic.

"What's up everybody!" He was greeted with loud cheers. "Yeah! Now, I want to first anounce the winners of our competitions!" He pulled a white envelope from his jacket, "The winner of the 20 drachmas is..... oh gods, Julia!" He yelled, and she lept up to get the black leather bag Percy handed to her, "Okay, the winner of our 30 drachma award is.....oh my freaking gods, Travis!!" And Travis pulled Katie onto the dancefloor, whirled her, and they took the bag together. "Now, I want to thank everyone for coming, and before we go, I want to bring out the gift table for the wizards!!!"

Three muscled warriors brought out a round table covered in, well, everything!

"The table will be sent to your room and youguys can split whatever the heck you got! Again thanks for coming, and during Olympics, Poseidon and Athena are gonna whup your asses! Good night!" and everyone went wild. Draco was right, Percy did have the most exclusive cabin at camp.

We walked back to our cabin and opened the door to find the table.

"Well, I guess we get to split this stuff." I groaned, and sat down on the floor and picked through things that had fallen to the ground. A sword, a sheild, a bag of coins, a gift card, and other things.

"You guys can organize, I'm going to bed." Hermione yawned, and walked barefoot into the girl room with her heels in her hands.

Draco POV

We are immaturity at it's finest. Instead of evenly distributing things, we bikered half the night, and stayed up till sunrise. When the first few rays of sunlight peeked through the windows, we were exhausted, but there were four neat-ish piles of junk we had claimed. I stood up, changed my clothes and walked to the breakfast pavillion. I sat at the wizard table hoping for peace and quiet, and had eggs and about four cups of coffee.

I walked back to the cabin and slumped over on my bed, and was knocked ot cold. A fine moring to go with an awesome night. 

I woke up three hours later and rubbed my eyes, 1:00. Time to prepare for the Olympics. I looked over at Ron and Harry who were both snoring. Snoring, a sweet blissful sound that comes from the mouth in the event of blissful sleep. Screw the Olympics, I hopped back into bed and pulled the covers up a bit too hard resulting in me punching myself in the neck. Ouch.


Hey! Hope you enjoyed my story! I might not be able to publish next week but no worries, the next chappie will be long-ish (I make no promises). Thanks!



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