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Seorin hated to define herself by her insecurities even though she couldn't help but make every aspect of her personality her insecurities, but she knew that it was more attractive than anything in the world.

The one thing she could turn to is her piano which she had been taking lessons for ever since she was five. Now she was no piano genius, she just loved music in general.

She had finally finished setting up her desktop with a microphone and aesthetic keyboard. She smiled in satisfaction at the display and opened her computer, opening a file with her previous tracks.

Now she was no singer, that's why she's been recently paying attention to singers ever since last year, she found that singing was similar to playing instruments, it was a lot trickier than it looked, so she had a newfound liking towards singers.

So she had begun practicing to add backing vocals or a few words to her tracks so that it didn't come off as elevator music.

She smiled to herself, knowing she was the only one in her family who had this sort of talent, it was one thing she could indulge in without guilt. She lost track of time until she heard her name being called for dinner. She gave her 30-second piece a listen, frowning at the additions it still needed, making a mental note she rushed down.

"Hey sweety, we're having grilled steaks tonight."

Her eyes widen at the display of different dishes as if it were a feast.

"Is someone coming over?" She looks at her mother and brother, but her father is not around.

"Yeah, your aunt and uncle Uncle Zhong will be over."

She rushed back upstairs, she was hoping she wouldn't have to meet any relatives. She opens her hair and brings it to the front of her face, then digs through her closet to pull out a maxi and a long navy cardigan that hung around her loosely. She didn't care that she looked like a cottagecore granny. She rushed while doing her makeup, focusing on eyeliner, blush, and lips till she heard the doorbell ring and her name being called.

She pulled her cardigan to the front, plastering an awkward smile as she saw her aunt and uncle walk in, Chenle right behind them.

"OH MY! You've grown so much since the last time I saw you. I used to clean your diapers!"

She was attacked by an overly cheery voice, and her aunt came to hug her. She hugged her back, patting her back awkwardly.

"Seorin, this is my older sister, Biyu and this is your uncle. They came to visit Chenle from China."

"Hi, it's nice to meet you, can I get you anything to drink? Perhaps some tea?" She asks putting her good host mode into action, something her mom had imprinted in her soul.

"Some tea would be wonderful".

She arranged whatever cookies and biscuits they had in a tray along with some store-bought pastries as the water boiled. She zoned out as she tried to arrange it nicely.

Once the teas were ready she placed them on a tray and walked to the dining room where they had finished eating their dinner, she didn't eat. She noticed Renjun and Chenle weren't present and probably went to his room to chill. Lucky them.

Her aunt and uncle stared at her, as soon as the tray was set she hurried back to the kitchen to leave.
As she cleaned up her mess, she heard her name being called making her freeze and listen closely.

"Your daughter is very well-mannered," her aunt comments. "Has she met her soulmate yet?"

"Not yet, she'll actually be turning twenty in a few days so we're all very excited," her mother says and she smiles hearing the pure joy in her voice, her mother was such a ray of sunshine.

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