Chapter 3: The party

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~Momo pov~

"Hi Yoamomo!" Momo turned to face Mina."Hi Mina," Momo said. "Soooo do I'm throwing a party for spring break wanna come?" Momo hesitated a party might be...destructive. But Mina's parties were always fun. "I would love to." Momo replied with a smile. "Cool, seeya!" Mina said before walking away.


The party had been going pretty well. Momo had been having fun. Until they brought the alcohol out. Everyone started getting really drunk. Especially Kaminari.

Momo was sitting on the couch scrolling through her phone when she heard a soft whimpering sound. She looked over to the corner to see Jiro curled into a ball. Momo walked over to her. "Kyoka-chan?" Momo asked in a worried voice

Jiro looked up to her. Momo studied her she had tears running down her face, and she looked tired. She was definitely drunk. Momo was surprised, Jiro never struck her as the type person to drink. "M-mooomoo," Jiro whined. "Everything hurrrrrtssss." Momo put her arms out."Come here. I'll take you your dorm." Jiro slowly got up Momo, then picked her up bridal style and began to walk to her dorm.

Momo lay Jiro down on her bed. Jirou giggled. "What's so funny?" Momo asked, tilting her head to the side. "W-what's funny is that y-you don't love me, but I l-love you." Jirou began to laugh again. Momo paused. What did she mean by "love?" Momo thought. She sighed, and she decided to ask Jirou about it when she was sober. Momo sauntered over to the door. "Good night, Kyoka-chan," Momo said with a smile. Jirou responded with a soft snore. "Momo giggled and closed the door.

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