Chapter 5: Misunderstanding

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~Momo pov~

It had been 3 weeks since the party, and Momo was still questioning what Jiro had said. A part of Momo was telling her to let it go and that Jiro had been drunk when she said that. But another part was telling her that Jiro had meant it.

On top of Jiro was now avoiding her. In the past week, Jiro had only said THREE words to her. Momo wondered if she had done something wrong, but she couldn't figure out what.

Momo was determined to talk to Jiro and make up with her. And maybe find what had made her so mad.

And now was the perfect opportunity because Jiro was walking down the hallway, looking around as if she was paranoid about something jumping out at her. Momo knew that this was her chance.
"Kyoka-chan," Momo called to Jiro. Jiro looked up her eyes wide. She immediately started walking in the other direction. "Wait!" Momo called out.

That is when Jiro began to run. Momo didn't think she had it in her to break the simple rule of no running in the hall that she had followed for the past twelve years of her life but this was more important than some silly rule. And she'd rather get yelled at by Iida than miss this chance to with Jiro. So, Momo began to run after Jiro the both of their footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.

Momo easily caught up to Jiro on account of her legs being longer. Eventually, Momo gently grabbed Jiro's arm, startling the girl. Jiro tripped and fell into a nearby open closet. Momo, still holding onto Jiro's arm, fell with her.

They both tumbled into the closet head first, tripping over eachothers limbs. They both lay there for a couple of seconds in a panting, confused heap, trying to process what happened. It was only until Momo realized that she was crushing the smaller girl that she sprang up.

"Sorry..." Jiro whispered in a soft voice as she also got up. Momo turned to her "It’s not your fault," Momo sighed. "If anything, I should be apologizing." The girls both stood there looking away from each other. Momo felt the awkwardness so much that if she didn't do anything to get rid of it that it was going to fall and crush her. " may I ask you... a question?" Jiro looked back and stayed silent as if she was thinking before softly muttering, "Yes."

Momo took a small breath before asking, "Why have you been avoiding me?" Jiro looked up a worried look in her eyes. "I'm sorry...I d-didn't mean to m-make you- I-I mean-" Jirou stopped and sighed heavily. "I was just k-kinda...embarrassed...a-about what happened at the party." Jiro averted her eyes as she talked, biting her lip. Embarrassed? But I thought Jiro didn't remember what happened at the party. Momo thought. "Well, you don't have to be." Momo vocalized, making Jiro turn her gaze back. "I'm not judging you, and you didn't say anything to crazy." Momo said, giving Jiro the sweetest smile she could muster.

Jiro's cheeks turned slightly pink she looked away again. Momo noticed this. "Kyoka-san, are you ok?" Jiro looked back. U-uh, yes, I-I have t-to get s-some studying done s-so..." Jiro stuttered. "Oh, of course, call me if you need anything." Momo said before turning to the door and opening it. She held it open for Jiro exit. "Bye, Jiro." Momo said, waving as she walked away. "Bye, Yaoyorozu-chan." Jiro said before making her way down the hallway.

Momo smiled as she watched her leave. Momo still had one lingering question, though. Why was Jiro acting so weird around her? The goth girl was usually shy, but Momo had seen her interact with other people with quite confidence. So what was different about her? Momo sighed she'd have to figure that out later. For now, she had to get back to her dorm.

Hiii, sorry it took so long. I was kinda going through burnout, but now I'm back~
                                       -Author-san 💜

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