Chapter 4: The aftermath

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The first thing Jiro felt when she woke up was a terrible headache. It's as if she had fallen out of a window head first onto a pile of bricks, and then as she was walking back, someone dropped a watermelon full of hammers on her head.

Jiro also had no recollection of last night. All she could remember was going to Ashido's party, and then she took a drink of something, and that's all. Jirou picked up her phone to check the time it was luckily it was Saturday. Jiro turned over to go back to sleep when suddenly she heard a knock at the door.

"It's a Saturday morning. Who is that?" Jirou muttered groggily. Jiro slowly staggered out of bed to the door. She slowly turned the knob and opened the door a crack. She was met with Momo staring back at her. Curious as to what Yaoyorozu was doing at her dorm so early in the morning, Jiro opened the door all the way.

Momo spoke first. "Kyoka, are you ok?" Jiro was snapped out of her thoughts. "Um yeah...w-why?" Jiro stuttered. "Well," Momo explained with a concerned look. "You got drunk at Ashido's party last night." Jiro's eyes widened."O-oh." Jiro muttered, looking at the floor as she felt her cheeks turn red. "God dammit Mina!" Jiro thought angrily."You told me that drink you gave me was water." Jiro sighed internally. "Well, she did look pretty drunk. I probably shouldn't have trusted her."

Then a horrible thought ran through Jiro's mind. "Did...did I say anything while I was drunk?" Momo nodded and looked away. Jiro was overwhelmed with fear. "W-what did I say?" Jiro asked. Momo didn't answer for about thirty seconds before saying, "Nothing important."

They both looked down in awkward scilence for a couple of minutes before Momo broke the quiet. "Um, well... I promised I'd help some of the others study, so I better go." Jiro looked up again. "Uh yeah..." She answered, looking away. "Momo waved bye before leaving.

Jiro shut the door and sighed. She couldn't believe she had let herself get drunk like that. What if she had said something stupid. Jiro let out a sigh and went into the bathroom to start getting ready.

Hiiiiii. Sorry for not updating. I've been busy. I hope you guys enjoyed seeya!


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