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Alyssa and I sat together both wide awake. It felt wrong to talk. Alyssa was still sniffling. I pulled her close to me.. That's when I remembered something. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. Then pulled a small box of chocolate out from under the sink. I joined Alyssa back on the couch.
"Here. For you," I handed her the box. She looked at it as if it were a monster.
"Thank you," She whispered. She anxiously ate a few chocolates.
"You good, Lys?"
"I was just assaulted. I don't know if I'm ok or not,"
"They are going to find him," I reassured her.
"I know, but-"
"No buts, they are going to find him,"
"Okay," she paused for a moment, "Damn these chocolates are good,"
"You're welcome," Apparently the thought that I gave her the chocolates just set in.
"Why do you protect me so much?" Because I love you, is what I wanted to say but instead I said.
"Because I care about you,"
"Thank you, for that. You don't need to do that,"
"I know. I want to though,"
"But you shouldn't. I don't want to be a burden,"
"I'm asking to much,"
"I don't know," Alyssa buried her head in her knees again.
"I do, I know, I am so glad I have you to protect at all," I look at her with genuine happiness.
"Why don't you let me protect you?"
"Because I care about you," I repeated, "I just drink it away, usually," I sighed
"Can I try your favorite drink?"
"I wanna know what makes it good," I giggled
"Sure, tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay," We sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. I looked up to see Alyssa looking at me like I look at her, when she sees a cute puppy. I look at her and she looks away sharply, blushing as red as I do, I laugh.
"You tired yet?" She groaned.
"Let's go," I got up from my seat, Alyssa got up too, but I pushed her back down.
"What are you doing?"
"Just trust me," I picked her up, in my arms she felt soft.
"What would someone call you, if they were dating you?" Though out of the blue, I prepared an answer for this question.
"Boyfriend I guess? Or maybe significant other"
"That was all, thank you," What kind of question is that, with no follow-up? I thought about my answer, and couldn't help but think, Imagine if I was Alyssa's Boyfriend. I don't know if she understood the chocolates, but I still wanted to think about it.
"Down you go," I laid her down in the bed and got under the blanket.
"Thank you," I pulled her closer to me, her breath slowed and she fell asleep.
"Good night, princess, I love you"

I woke up around Ten AM still holding Alyssa tightly.
"What time is it?" I groaned
"Ten," Alyssa mumbled.
"And how long have you been awake?"
"Since Nine," I played with her hair. "You're adorable when you're asleep,"
"I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult," I looked at her, she blushed and bolted up and ran out of the room. I was comfortable! I followed her out. She was sitting on the couch furiously typing on her phone.
"What wrong?" I said as I sat down beside her. I glanced at her phone. She had googled 'how to tell if your gay?'. I froze. Alyssa looked up.
"Onyx. Can I ask you something?" She asked
"Sure. Go ahead,"
"You're gay right?" She asked me.
"Bisexual but yes,"
"How did you realize that?" I paused for a second thinking back.
"Well. When I was in seventh grade, I really liked this girl. I thought she was really cool and nice. I went home and I thought about it for a while. I thought about how I liked her. I realized I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with her like I had with my male crushes. That's when I realized I was Bi," I conveniently left out the part where I really wanted to fuck her. Alyssa looked up at me with hopeful eyes.
"Did you end up with her? Did you at least tell her?" She asked me.
"Nope. I confessed to her and she proceeded to spread the news around that I was gay. I went through the rest of school being the 'gay bitch' and it didn't help when I realized I was nonbinary,"
"Oh. I'd never told anyone really," Alyssa said
"What do you mean?" I asked her
"Well when I realized I was trans I never told anyone. Then when I turned eighteen I got the surgery and my parents disowned me," she said.
"Oh. I didn't realize you were trans," there was an awkward silence. Suddenly I thought back "I'm sorry about my comment on Kyle. I didn't mean to offend you,"
"It's alright," Alyssa said, "I was feeling self conscious and the comment didn't really help," there was a few minutes of silence. Then something crossed my mind.
"How's Ben going to react when he realizes you have a dick?" Alyssa jumped and laughed.
"Dude he's going to hate me. Maybe he gave up,"
"I don't think he did. Your not going anywhere by yourself from now on,"
"Fine, you have to come with me then,"
"No shit shirlock," there was yet another awkward silence. Then a thought crossed my mind. "We should check for cameras,"
"He wouldn't put cameras everywhere right?" I looked at her skeptically
"You're seriously asking. We're checking," I walked into Alyssa's room. The broken glass was still spread out across the floor. I slowly and carefully swept the shards into my hand. Suddenly I noticed a blinking light under Alyssa's bed. I pulled out a small camera. I jabbed a piece of glass into the lense. I glanced around, looking for another blinking light. I noticed one on the other side of the room, pointing directly at the door. And one towards the bathroom.

"This dude put more cameras in my room than yours! It took about half an hour to find them all" I shouted to Alyssa who had been sitting on the couch eating chocolate.
"Why?" she asked through mouthfulls of chocolate.
"I have no idea!" I yelled, "I'm fucking terrified," there was another awkward silence.
"You want to watch a movie?"
"Sure why not,"

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