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"What's wrong? Why did you text us?" Delta bolted in.
"Well hello to you too," I said. I pulled Alyssa closer to me. She had fallen asleep during the movie and I didn't want to wake her up.
"I want to know what's wrong," Delta shouted. Kira slowly poked her head out from behind Delta.
"Could you be a little quieter? Alyssa finally fell asleep after last night and I don't want to wake her up," Delta slowly moved closer with Kira trailing behind her. Suddenly the door opened a little more to reveal a tall man with black hair in a skull hoodie.
"Sorry we were having breakfast when you texted me and Warren is the only one who has a car," Delta apologized.
"It's fine," I looked over to Warren. He didn't seem to be the kind of person that Kira would be attracted to. They had completely different aesthetics. Though honestly I couldn't judge. My type is either guys with dark hair and green eyes or idiot blonde women.

"So what happened?" Delta asked as she took a seat on the floor next to the TV.
"It's freezing in here," Kira shivered. I didn't understand, because I was sweating, not anywhere close to freezing.
"WARREN GO HUG YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" I fucking jumped, Alyssa did too, still asleep in my arms.
"Shut up, Delta I just told you she just fell asleep,"
"Just go put her in her room," Delta said as Kira signed.
"But I can't I was awake all night too, my arms are weak" I dramatically protested. Delta looked at me with a look that said, 'Does it look like I give a shit?'
"Fine," I lifted Alyssa slowly off of me, hoping she wouldn't wake up. She started stirring slightly. I gently placed her back onto my shoulder. "She ain't moving,"
"Well, I can see that, dipshit. Now explain what happened." Delta exclaimed.
"Ben fucking broke in through Lyss's bedroom window last night and uh... tried to do some questionable things to her..."
"ALYSSA GOT RAPED?!?" Delta crazily shouted. Alyssa jumped up and started panting, clutching her chest tightly. Delta locked eyes with me and quickly took an expression of fear. I was going to kill her.
"WHAT THE FUCK! DELTA, SHE JUST FELL ASLEEP!" Kira and Warren looked at each other as if they knew something I didn't. That's when it hit me.
"You're high, aren't you?" I said, unamused. Delta turned away slightly.
"No..." the end trailed off for what seemed like fucking forever. Kira and Warren nodded.
"May I ask why?" I asked. Kira piped up.
"Because her parents are stopping over to visit her and she's freaking out because she didn't give them an address. Also, she cut them off about two years ago." Kira explained in the most monotone voice ever. Delta fell backward, harshly knocking into the TV stand as she fell.
"Ow," Delta said weakly from her starfish position on the floor. Warren chuckled. Alyssa was sitting on the corner of the couch, hugging a cushion and sleepily glaring at Warren.
"Oh wait, fuck. Alyssa, this is Warren. He's Kira's boyfriend." I panicked, not showing it on the outside though. Alyssa glared at Warren, only half awake. Then she laid back down onto my shoulder, cuddling the cushion like a stuffed animal, and fell asleep again. I wish I were that cushion.
"Stop simping," Delta whispered, still lying on her back in the middle of the floor. Warren chuckled again.
"What," I panicked, looking for an excuse, "I'm not!"
"Yes, you are now shut up,"
"OK, I'm making a new rule. You are not allowed to come into my apartment when high," I growled
"But being drunk is perfectly fine," Delta whined. I was ready to punt her out the window.
"Shut up," My voice cracked, Delta burst into laughter. Kira and Warren sat next to each other giving each other nervous glances. Finally, Warren spoke
"If you want we could take them home," He said.
"NoooOOoooOoOoooOOoooOoooOOOoooOOooooOOoOooOooOOOooOooOoOooooOooooooOoOoOOOOoooooooOOOooooOoooOoOooOOOooooooOooooooOooOoooOOOooooOoooooooOoooOOOOOoOOooooOoooOooOoOoooOOOoOooooOOOOOooooooOooooooOooooOooOoOoOoOOoooooOOooOoooooooOOOoooOooOoOOOOOoooOOOooOooOOOoooooOOOOOOooOoOOooooOOOooooooooOoOOoOOoooOooooOOOOoOOoOOOoOoooooooooooOoOoOoooooooOoooOOooOoooOOOOOOOooooOOooOoooOooOOoooOOOoooOoooooooOooooooOOoOooooooOOOooOOOooooooOOoOoooooOoooOOOooooooooOooOOOoOoOoooooooOoOoOOOOOOOooOoooOOOOOoooooOOooOoooOooooooooOOOOOoooooOoOOOOooOOooooOOOooooOoooooooooooo0oooOOOOOOooooooOOooooooooOOoooooooooOOooooooOooooooOOOooOoOOOOoooooOOoooooOOoooooOOOoooOOoOOoooooooooooooooOoOoooooOoOOoOoooooOOooooOOOoOoooooooOooOoooooooOooOOooooooOoOooooooooOoooOOoOooooOoooOOooOOoooooOoooooOooOooOoooOOOOOooOooOOooooOooooooooOoOOoooOOooooOOOOooOOoOoOOOOooooOOOOoOOooOooOoooooooOOOoOooOoOOoOooOOOooooooooOooooOoOoOOOOooooooooOOOoooOoooOooooOoooOooooooOoooOoooOOooooOOOOoooOoooooOooooOooooooOoooOoOoOoOoooOOoOooOOoooooooooOooooOooooooooooooooOooOoooooooooOoOOooooooooOooOoooooooOOOOooOOOoOoOOOOooooOoOooooOOoOoOoOOooOoOooOOOoooOOoOOooOoOOOoooOoooooooooooooOOOOoooOAOOOOOooOOOoooooooooOooooOoOOOOoOOoOooOoooOoooooOO," this lasted for ten more minutes. You're welcome. Finally, Warren picked Delta up and threw her over his shoulder like a garbage bag. Then he waved goodbye and then left the apartment. Kira sat on the floor staring into space. Then looked up
"Is she ok? Does she need something?" she asked
"I think she's ok now. She probably just needs some sleep. Go make sure Warren and Delta don't kill anyone," Kira looked confused.
"Warren wouldn't do that. But ok. Bye. I'll see you later," she waved and ran after Warren. 
"Damn it," There were a lot of things I wanted to say, one of them was, 'I wanna fuck Alyssa' I was not going to say that in front of her though.
Alyssa murmured from under my arm, I tried not to wake her up, carefully pushing her body off of me, and laying her on a pillow. As I stood up she began to sit and rub her eyes. She then glanced at the clock we had hanging on the corner wall. She shot up and began sprinting to her room.
"What are you doing?" I asked her
"ONYX I'M FUCKING LATE!" She shouted, narrowly missing hitting the wall
"Don't worry. I called you off," Alyssa froze.
"What... why?" Alyssa asked.
"Because you need a day off. Especially after what happened last night. No one should have to deal with that. Now come here," I gently walked over to her and grabbed her hand. Then I led her to the couch and sat down. She sat down on the opposite side of the couch and pulled her knees to her chest.
I pat the cushion next to me, motioning for her to sit closer. As much as I wanted her to sit on me I think that next to me was going to be safer. Alyssa scooted closer and gently laid her head on my shoulder. We sat there in silence just... staring at a blank TV screen. One of us, fully prepared to go full gay on the other.
I turned to Alyssa. She looked up at me with visible tears in her eyes. I pulled her into a close hug. If that bitch ever touched her again he would have to fuck her from hell.

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