stressful sickness

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tw - sickness (throwing up)

y/n pov

you wake to the sound of a keyboard clicking next your head, and your eyes are immediately stung by the light flooding through the room. as you look over you see billies tired eyes, hiding behind her glasses, focusing on the contents on the screen.

"good morning beautiful", she whispers as you roll over and rest you head on her soft warm chest. shes wearing a hoodie from her old merch collection from her debut album wwafawdwg, and long basketball shorts, the rest of her legs hiding under the covers.

"morning sugar", you respond, cuddling into her chest more. you notice her recording app open on her screen as she sighs softly above your head. she strokes you hair and your immediately comforted by her presence.

"working on a song mamas?" i say, and she grunts and closes her computer, clearly showing shes having trouble with it.

"yea, but i just can't seem to get anything right, none of it fits together", she responds as she runs her hands through her red and black hair and pulls you closer as you cuddle.

you sigh in response, a frown running across you lips, and you look up and her and place a kiss on her forehead.

billies pov

she kisses my head and i smile at her thoughtfulness, trying to ignore the pounding in my head. i wince as quietly as possible trying to hide my pain, knowing she's staring right at me.

"whats wrong baby", she frowns, sitting up in bed and stroking my hair. " just my head is pounding, and i feel kinda nauseous, but im sure its nothing peach", my voice cracks as i say the last few words. i know its not nothing but theres so much of the album left to finish and not much time, so i can't be getting sick.

Immediately she hops off the bed, saying "oh my beautiful girl why didnt you wake me up and tell me". she starts walking down stairs, mumbling something i can't understand. "what did you say honey", i groan out in response, as she continues walking down the stairs to the kitchen.

"im gonna grab you some things, you stay right there in bed", she calls out, noticeably louder this time, causing my head to throb and start spinning. suddenly the nausea builds and i feel the need to throw up.

by the time y/n comes back im cuddled up in a ball in our bathroom, holding my stomach in one arm and the toilet in the other. my stomach turns as i continue throwing up, thinking about the last things i ate.

"oh god baby, its okay, your okay", she says as she drops the tray shes holding on the bed and runs into the bathroom. she sits down next to me on the floor and ties back my hair, rubbing my back softly.

we sit here for what feels like almost half an hour, waiting for me to stop throwing up. y/n grabs my toothbrush off the counter and gets it ready for me while i pull my jumper off, revealing my lace calvin klein bra covering my pale and clammy skin. i brush my teeth and sit down on the toilet, whilst y/n brings me the tray she carried in earlier. "heres some water and some medicine my beautiful baby. how about i run you a shower and you relax", she says calmly.

y/n pov

her eyes glaze over with tears as she nods, pulling down her shorts, revealing her beautiful body in just a bra and underwear. "why the fuck am i sicckkkkkk", she groans, holding onto her neck and looking up to the ceiling. her voice shakes and tears roll down her cheeks. "im so sorry baby", i whisper into her hair, as i pull her in for a hug.


i sit on the toilet watching her body shake and cover with goosebumps in the shower. she must have a fever, i think to myself, as i start walking downstairs to get her a fresh towel. as i return upstairs i see her sitting down on the shower floor, which is nothing new for her, but her shoulders quiver as tears run down her cheeks.

i open the door and turn the water off, picking her up off the floor and pulling her into a hug. my hoodie is now drenched, as i hold her, waiting for her tears to calm down. i wrap the warm towel around her and pick her up, placing her on the vanity.

"im sorry, i dont even know why the fuck im cyring", she says through small sobs

'its okay baby, are you stressed about something?"

"well the album is barely fucking done, and i do not have much time to finish it. plus this tour is gonna suck being away from you, and i just want a break from the fucking internet."

"im so sorry mamas", i respond, "how about just for today, ill tell fin that your sick and he can work on the album without you. we can delete tiktok and instagram, and just lay in bed and watch movies together, how does that sound?"

she chuckles sadly, as a fresh set of tears roll down her cheeks. she takes a big breath in and says "that sounds good, thank you baby". she places a minty fresh kiss on my lips, and i pick her up off the counter.

billies pov

we've been laying in bed for a few hours now, my head resting on her warm chest, watching different movies. my head moves softly up and down each time her breath rises and falls, and i can tell she's asleep. the bucket thats sitting next to my bed threatens me and i start to feel sick again. I try my hardest to slip out of her hold, grabbing the bucket, and running as far away from the bed as possible so i don't wake her up. I find myself sitting on the floor in the hallway, throwing up once again into the large blue bucket.

more tears start falling down my cheeks, and i groan, annoyed, not knowing why i keep crying. my eyes feel heavy and my body and head are aching, so i get up from my spot on the floor and dump the full bucket in the bathroom, silently walking back to bed and sliding under the covers.


i wake up hours later, and theres no light shining through the window anymore. it must be nighttime, i think to myself. I roll over to pull y/n into my embrace, but all i feel is the empty bed. my eyes feel puffy from crying so much all day, and my head is still throbbing, but i don't feel nauseous anymore, thank god.

i check my flo app, searching for a reason why im so emotional, and sure enough, it tells me my period is due in 4 days. seems about right. i chuck my phone across the room, not wanting to look at it anymore, and walk downstairs to find y/n cleaning out the bucket i left in the bathroom sink.

"oh shit im so sorry i should've cleaned that up before baby", i say attemtping to help her clean it out, but she pushes me away.

"sugar, its totally fine, im capable of doing it and your clearly still sick", she says, holding my hand covered in goosebumps and feeling my forehead. "your really hot, let me get you some Tylenol", she says.

"your really hot", i respond, with a cheeky grin on my face, and she chuckles softly.

y/n pov

my insides melt from her compliment, and i wonder how she can still be so sweet, when she probably feels like absolute shit. i pull her into a hug and cover her face in kisses.

"finneas said that they gave you guys an extension on the album, and he also asked if you wanted him and claudia to come over, or if you were too sick", i say, hoping to raise her mood.

"oh really thats great", her eyes light up, "im feeling much better now, so they can come over for dinner, but im not getting changed so tell them not to dress up".

my heart smiles, knowing she'll probably feel better seeing her best friends.

"okay, ill let them know", i say smiling.

we spend the rest of the night laughing and hanging out with finneas and claudia, and im constantly checking on billie to make sure she's okay.


when we finally jump into bed, i kiss her forehead, feeling that its a lot cooler now, and hoping she feels better.

" i love you to the moon and back, mamas", she whispers in my ear.

"i love you to pluto and back beautiful", i whisper back, and we both dose off to sleep.


this was really long and anticlimactic im so sorry

also ill try and write as much as possible in the next few days to get the story started

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