first sleepover 2 🩸

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the drive to urgent care is rough, and y/n doesnt waste her time trying to get there, which just makes it worse. I avoid telling her, but my stomach feels like knives are being stabbed into it, and everytime she swirves around a car to speed up, i feel the throw up rise in my throat. 

im known for being car sick, but during my period its almost always 100 times worse, so i cant hold it in, and it just makes y/n freak out even more. 

"oh baby, i really hope they can find out whats wrong honey", she says, as she gently rubs my back with one hand, her other on the steering wheel. 


after what feels like an eternity, we finally make it to urgent care, and y/n comes around to my side of the car to get me out of the car. she holds up my shoulders as we walk slowly to the entrance. 

when we get inside, she sits me down on one of the seats and then goes over to the desk to get a doctor to see me. she and i both know my body is literally to weak to stand up right now, but i feel so helpless and selfish letting her do everything. 

she sits down next to me, and pulls me into her, snuggling her face into my hair. 

y/ns pov

as im leaving the receptionist desk after booking billie in to see a doctor, i see billie sitting helplessly on the waiting room chair in the corner. The buzz of the lights that flicker in the room ring in my ears, and the hum of the TV in the background doesn't even distract me from the state that billies in. 

her black, long hair is still in the messy braid i did for her last night  and it drops down over her shoulder. her face is hiding under her blue hat, the only colourful part of her outfit. her eyes look drained and dark, and her skin is pale, even for her. i feel so horrible for her, and i wish more than anything that i could take her pain away. 

as i sit down next to her, i pull her head into my chest, and play softly with her hair. 

"how are you feeling angel?" i say softly

"not good", she replies sleepily. her response has me worried, as usually, even if shes sick shell still be talking a lot, but right now, i can tell she doesnt feel good at all. 


"billie", we hear from the doctor, after what feels like an eternity of waiting. 

i stand up so the doctor knows who we are, and then grab billies arms, and wrap my own underneath her shoulders, helping her walk to the room. 

billies pov

my heart is beating so fast in my chest as we walk into the doctors office, and i know its not exactly a huge deal, but im freaking out. im so used to being dismissed by doctors, that im terrified he will say that im fine, when i know for sure ive never ever felt worse in my life. 

"y/n have a seat, and billie you can jump on the bed for me", he says, and i use all my strength to walk to the bed, and sit on it. 

"whats going on today billie?", he says, and almost instantly i feel like all my words have disappeared. i look over at y/n desperately and she frowns at me and then starts speaking to the doctor. 

"well she had her period like less than a week ago, but then she woke up with it this morning again. and then shes in like A LOT of pain, and can barely walk. ive been helping her walk everywhere. also she has thrown up i think 6 or 7 times today already, and were just really worried."

"okay, that does sound very worrying, has your period been regular apart from this or is it always pretty irregular?" he responds. 

finally i find confidence in my voice and start speaking, trying not to let the tears escape my eyes. i dont know why im emotional, but i didnt even think he'd ask anything else at all, i though he would just tell us it was normal, so maybe thats why. 

"well,  before like maybe 3 or 4 months ago, it was super regular, and then since then its been pretty irregular, but never at all like this. also ive never been in this much pain in my life.", i say, stumbling over my words. 

"okay, and you said you had been throwing up, have you also felt dizzy at all, is your flow extremley heavy and where exactly is your pain located?"

"yeah ive been super dizzy, my flow is like crazily heavy ive had to change like almost every hour, and my pain is like everywhere in my body, my legs, my stomach, my arms, my head."

y/n stares at the doctor intimidatingly as he writes notes on his computer, and i giggle to myself, loathing in how much she cares for me. 

"okay im gonna do a quick ultrasound on you right now, so we can hopefully see whats going on, but my guess is that you may need to undergo testing for endometriosis OR it could be an ovarian cyst.", he says, and my heart rate finally starts to slow down. i cant believe someone is finally taking my issues seriously. 


after the doctors appointment, i feel a huge wave of relief wash over me, as we finally are starting to get an idea of what is causing the hell that im constantly going through. 

"i cant believe you have an ovarian cyst, AND most likely have endometriosis baby, that so horrible", y/n says to me as shes driving us home. she places her hand on my bouncing leg, begging it to calm down. 

"thank you for taking me baby, im glad i finally kinda know whats wrong. im so sorry i ruined today tho it was my first time sleeping at your house and we didnt even really get to do anything fun", i say, with pity in my voice. 

"no baby dont be sorry. i care about you and love you more than anything, i just want you to be okay. im so glad you were at my house to be honest, because i wouldnt want you to go through that alone."

we finally arrive at my house, and she carries me inside, again bridal style, and lays me down on the couch. almost immediately she gives me the medication that the doctor prescribed, a heat pack and a movie to watch. 

we cuddle on the couch for the rest of the day, despite my debilitating pain never fully leaving. 


heres part 2222

i didnt know how to like add much more but i liked the messages in this one. i just wanted to say that i think that taking care of your female health is so important and these issues are very real. its extremely important that if you feel your being dismissed by your doctor, you speak out, or find a new one!! no issues like this should be ignored!!!!!!!

i hope yall are doing well, and i love you soooo muchhhhh. thanks for all the reads omggg.

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