grammys 🩸

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I haven't written in ages cause of school and I also have no inspiration so this is what you're getting for now 🌚

tw - periods?

billies pov

the Grammys were a time in my life that made my head spin because of the craziness of it all. even when I hadn't been nominated for many awards it was crazy to even be there at all, and each year that it rolled around I always seemed to feel entirely grateful and happy that this was where my life was at. 

this year my hair was almost identical to my first ever Grammys apart from my then, green roots, now being a bright cherry red. my outfit, of course, was a vintage personalised Barbie bomber jacket, from chrome hearts which I was so excited to be wearing and my performance outfit was the Barbie 1965 Poodle Parade outfit. 

it took me weeks to come up with my outfits on top of all of the other award shows, as well as the Grammys performance rehearsals. my schedule was so packed i barely had time to think, but i managed to figure it all out. 

"is y/n coming?", finneas' voice ringed in my ears, pulling me out of my thoughts. i noticed i had been staring out of the window thinking for at least 5 minutes, and i pulled myself away, deciding i needed to check up on where she was. 

"yeah she should be here soon and then we can get going", i said back, nerves and excitement filling my body. 

it was currently 11am and although my body was aching, which i assumed was from my gym workout yesterday, my mind was ready to go.

the weather was not happy, and it made my insides warm, as my favourite type of weather was cold and rainy, which by looking out the window, i could tell it most definitely was. 


"hey baby", i shouted across the room, seeing y/n enter through the door. she looked so pretty in the clothes i had given her, and i almost wanted her to keep them for herself. 

"hiiii bill", she screached back, running up to me and pulliing me into a hug. 

"you look so fucking hot", i whispered into her ear, hoping no one else in the small room would hear me. 

"excuse me have you looked in the mirror?", she said back, and i responded with a smirk and an eye roll. 

i picked up her hand in mine as we walked to the black car that would take us there. 


as we arrived i felt the nerves in my stomach swirling, making me feel almost sick. i almost never got nervous but the grammys were the one place that did it for me. 

my stomach hurt so bad by the time we reached the red carpet that i held onto finneas' shoulder tightly as we waited for our turn on the carpet. i had no idea what was happening.. did i eat something weird?

it was already about 11:30 and we had just been notified that we had won best song for visual media. 

i was so happy i could almost cry. the excitement in my stomach swirled even more as we quickly ran to the stage to accept the award. 

i honestly didn't expect any more awards because the categories i was nominated in were filled with amazing artists and songs and i was so grateful to be there. 

after a while of me and finneas doing press interviews and taking photos with claudia on the carpet, i went to the actual venue to find my seat as well as to find y/n. i knew she would be somewhere talking to, or making friends with someone, and that it wouldn't take long to find her. on my way looking for her i stumbled across familiar faces, saying hello as i passed. 

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