car sick

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this is gonna be a bit different but im just letting my brain do its thing so here ya go :p

tw/ throwing uppp

billies pov

the journey to the event takes probably an hour and its currently 3pm in the afternoon. I usually dont really get nervous for events, but since its the oscars and im nominated AND performing, the butterflies in my stomach feel more like dinosaurs. It doesnt help that the car is squishy and stuffy, and even though im sitting next to y/n and across from finneas and claudia, my mom and my dad, i cant really speak to them because im trying to save my voice for the performance and i know ill be talking a lot during interviews. 

I dont know wether its from the nerves, or the bumpy road but my stomach is churning and i dont feel well at all. my palms are sweating, my heart is racing and my mind feels blurry, and this is not at all how i thought i would feel. 

y/n places her hand on my knee, and i look at up her, meeting her eyes. she looks at me knowingly as she squeezes my thigh and i lean my head on her shoulder. 

"you okay bil, you look a little bit pale?", finneas says to me with a worried look on his face. 

"yea im fine, im feelin kinda nauseous but im sure its just nerves", i respond trying to convince myself its nothing more than me hoping ill do well at my performance. 

we have already been to the venue earlier today and during the week for rehearsals, so we know the stage, and are very prepared but its always a little scary in front of lots of people you know, especially with a song like 'what was i made for' thats so intricate vocally. 

y/n's pov

i look over at billie as finneas mentions her looking pale, and i see it in her eyes this time, knowing shes definitely not feeling well. she places her hand on her stomach, trying to be sneaky about it, but i notice. 

her lips start to turn white as well and she leans her head back against the head rest, now not trying as hard to hide her pain. 

"you want me to ask them to pull over?" i ask her as the pain in her eyes grows and all the colour fades from her face. she nods her head, looking at me frantically, and i immediatley know shes about to be sick. 

"hey can you pull over, please!!" i yell frantically to the driver, and he pulls over on the side of the highway. 

i reach for the door and swing it open, and billie runs out onto the side of the road. i follow her out, holding her hair back as she starts throwing up, holding her stomach. she lifts her head and looks up at me with tears in her eyes. i pull her into a tight hug, and kiss the top of her head as tears roll down her cheek. i guessed she would maybe shed a few tears tonight but not this early!

finneas and maggie come out from the van holding billies water bottle out to her. she takes a sip and sits down on the side of the road. luckily her hair, makeup, and outfit will be done later towards the start of the red carpet and show so she didnt have to worry about dirtying anything right now. 

"damn you really are nervous huh?", finneas said trying to brighten billies mood. 

"ughhh i dont know if im nervous or car sick or actually sick at this point", billie replies seriously, and i can tell shes agitated by the fact that shes not feeling well. 

"you wanna get back in the car or just sit here for a bit?", i say, knowing we're kind of on a tight schedule. i grab her hands and pull her up towards my chest, wrapping her in a hug. 

"we can get back in the car but like i might need like a plastic bag or something", she chuckles as we begin walking back to the car. 

billies pov

when we get in the car, my mom empties a plastic bag filled with random shit and passes it to me, and i hold onto it tightly. the feeling in my stomach hasn't gone away, and its so hard to tell wether its nerves or car sickness, but i know for sure that the bumpy road definitely isnt helping. i can hear everyone worriedly chattering around me, but i start to zone out, looking out the window. 

"you want some gum?", y/n whispers to me, and i nod my head. im so grateful that i was able to bring her, because i dont know how i would've done this without her. 


when we finally arrive at the venue where we're getting ready, it feels like so much time has passed, and im so happy to finally be in the fresh air and out of the car. i threw up twice more in the car, and everyones really worried about me, but im hoping ill be fine by tonight. 

y/n's pov

its later on now, and thankfully billie is feeling much better. The awards were amazing, and billie and finneas won! they also performed the song, and it was so amazing i cried, and im pretty sure billie did too. 

today was an absolute whirlwind, but as i close my eyes to fall asleep i feel so so happy for billie and all of her successes. 

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