real life

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Bella's pov
"You ready?" Jude asks after I open the door.
"Yeah, let me bring down my bags."
"Can I come in to come help you?" I nod and he follows me inside. "Isn't  this Gavi's place? Where is he?"
"Uh I think with Ale. I'm not too sure to be honest."
"Oh, cool." He pauses before continuing, "does he know?"
"What about me going with you to Manchester?" I ask turning to him as we reach the top of the stairs. "No, no he does not," I laugh after he nods. Jude smiles as he follows me into my room.
"So this is where the famous Isabella Paez sleeps? Interesting."
"Take it all in, it's your last time ever being in here. And don't call me Isabella, that's wierd."
"It's your name Isa."
"Yeah I know. But, everyone just calls me Isa," I say shrugging. "And I've never heard you call me that, so it's a different weird you know."
"Sure," he says, dragging it out. I roll my eyes and walk up to my suitcase.
"This is it," I say smacking it. "I usually have more, but I decided I don't need that much stuff in Manchester."
"Fair," he agrees, picking up my suitcase. "You know if you ever run out of space you can always come keep your stuff at mine?" He yells out from the hallway.
"Yeah why don't I just move in well I'm at it." I mumble, following him with my backpack.
"Good idea, I'll get your room set up by next week."
"What's with the sudden interest Bellingham?" I ask when we get outside.
"What do you mean?" He asks, walking toward his car, a black BMW XM.
"I mean we've never even had a conversation and now we're joking about moving in together?"
"Just banter innit?"
"Right but you're taking me to Manchester. You don't do that just for a teammates roomate." Jude sighs, turning to me after closing his trunk.
"What do you want me to say Isa? Tell you that I'm in love with you? I'm a nice person and your company isn't that bad. If you feel uncomfortable with me taking you that's okay, just let me know." I open my mouth to respond before immediately closing it and just nodding. "Great, let's make sure you got everything you need."


Me and Jude left like 10 minutes ago because Jude forced me to give him a tour. Right now we're arguing about who gets aux.
"It's literally passenger gets aux," I roll my eyes.
"What dumb tiktok told you that? Driver gets aux."
"Mate you're driving, can't be on your phone," I grin.
"Isa, I'm not listening to Taylor Swift for 18 hours straight," he says, rolling his eyes.
"Why not? I would pay for that," I scoff.
"Seems like you," he mutters.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He shrugs, tying not to smile. "Let me google this to settle it." I pull out my phone as he rolls his eyes. "Ha, it says: Traditionally, the person sitting in the front passenger seat, also known as riding shotgun, might take on the role of selecting the music," I grin, sticking out my tongue.
"You're lying. Read the rest."
"That's the whole thing."
"Isa," he says while giving me a look, making me roll my eyes.
"However, the driver may also have control over the music, especially if they prefer to have a specific ambiance while driving," I mumble.
"That's what I thought Paez," he teases. He looks away from the road for a second, towards me and says, "I'm kidding, you can have it."
"Really?" He nods before turning back to the road. "Thank you," I say, smiling.
"Are you hungry?"
"No, I had an iced coffee."
"You know that's not food, right?"
"Womp womp." He shakes his head at me, smiling. He looks over at me,
"Can I ask you something?"
"What's up with you and Joao Felix?"
"Oh my days, not you too Bellingham."
"He's a good dude. He would be a nice boyfriend."
"Well I'm sure he'll be great to whoever dates him, which won't be me. He's definitely not my type."
"What exactly is your type?"
"Ooo, that's a really good question." I pause before asking, "like physically?"
"I mean either or both, whatever you want."
"So sweet, letting me choose" I grin, pressing my head against the head rest. "Physically, someone taller, built but not like really muscley."
"Muscley isn't a word eas."
"New nickname?"
"Isa's too long so, works for now."
"You sure you don't just wanna just call me I, at this point?"
"Stop changing the topic Isabella."
"Bro, I don't know. Nice eyes? Ooo I have a good one! A nice smile. I swear if you have a nice smile you might as well propose." He gives me a lopsided grin before saying,
"good to know. What about personality wise."
"Hold on I have a list." He laughs, stoping as he sees me open up my phone. He looks at me concerned.
"I thought you were kidding," he says as I'm opening my notes app.
"No Bellingham, you should know I don't kid, at this point." I scroll through the app looking for the list. "Aha, here it is," I say making Jude shake his head at me. "Okay so there's a lot. Nice, I feel like that's an obvious one. Generous, funny, considerate, caring, patient, humble, witty; like they should have some banter you know, jealous, observant, honest, protective, smart, good their mom, respectful, and caring," I look up at Jude as I list the last one.
"Did you say jealous?" He gives me confused look, before looking back at the road.
"Jealousy is hot, what can I say Bellingham."
"It's cute you have more personality ones than physical."
"I mean a guy can be as ugly as you, but if he has a nice personality ... ," I grin.
"Ugly? I'm everything you listed as your physical type."
"Nice eyes? Pretty smile? Okay buddy."
"People say I have my mom's face, what are you insinuating?"
"Let's change the topic, I found music. That's another thing, good music taste." He laughs before handing me the aux cord. "Okay I'm just gonna hit shuffle." He nods as I open a playlist.
I hit shuffle and 'false god' by Taylor Swift starts playing, making me immediately squeal.
"What is this?"
"I fucking adore this song Jude. This is my song," I say right as the first verse starts.
"I wasn't kidding about not listening to Taylor for 18 hours isa," he groans.
"Shh just enjoy. Warning I do sing, so do with that what you want."
"What are these lyrics?"
"Poetry. Beautiful. Perfection. Literally anything positive."
"Did she say-" he starts to say before I interrupt him by placing my finger on his lips, shushing him.
"Jude this song is the love of my life," I say before leaning back on the seat. I close my eyes, mouthing the words. I stay like that for the entire song, nodding my head with the beat at some parts.
I open my eyes, sighing as the song ends.
"Magic. She is literally magic."
"Hm that one was okay."
"OKAY? There is something fundamentally wrong with you Bellingham. That song is a masterpiece."
"I don't get."
"Of course you don't, you're a guy," I mumble. "Taylor hasn't actually told us the meaning but I think it's about her idolizing the guy she's in a relationship like a false god and I think she likes him more than he does or something. I did see a TikTok that it could be about Tom Hiddleston and how he's the false god in the MCU, but I don't really believe that. But Tom is so- why are you looking at me like that?" His smile grows as he stares at me. I turn see he's stopped at a green light before looking back at him. Who by the way, is still smiling at me. "What?"
"It's cute seeing you talk about stuff you like," he says lightly. I feel myself redden under his stare.
"Shut up and go," I say, turning to look out the window. I can feel his grin as he starts to drive after the light turns green.


"I'm bored," I sigh.
"That's not good."
"No bueno?" I say referencing the video when he was told to speak Spanish.
"You saw that?" He laughs.
"Who didn't? But, I see the new videos, your Spanish is getting better."
"VAMOS," he says making me laugh. "I saw you and Pedri making fun of me for that one."
"All banter innit."
"Of course. So what do we do about your boredom?"
"I don't know bro, whatever you think."
"Should we play a game or something?" He asks somewhat jokingly.
"Like what, 20 questions?" I laugh.
"I don't know. I'm driving, you pick a game."
"Okay bro," I say, opening up safari.
"What are you doing?" Jude asks, glancing at my phone.
"Looking up what what game to play, obviously." I say, seeing him smile through my peripheral vision. "Okay so we got: the alphabet game? Would you rather, punch buggy, never have I ever, who am I, name that tune, the quiet game, scavenger hunt- all of these suck."
"The quiet game sounds great,"
"Ha ha, very funny Bellingham."
"Me and Jobe played punch buggy a lot as kids, but I'm not punching you."
"Smart decision. Let's just talk, cause these games aren't good."
"Okay." We both awkwardly wait for the other to say something.
"This is akward," I whisper.
"Very much," he whispers back.
"Let's take pictures," I say excitedly, opening my camera. After taking photos we go back to sitting awkwardly.
"Okay, I'll start the conversation," he finally says. "Who's your favorite football player?"
"We're talking about football?" I groan.
"Well you refused to say something and that's all I got."
"Okay, whatever. There are a lot of greats, but my favorite current football player is either odegaard or maybe dec." He hums,
"What about of all time?"
"I feel like it has to be Messi."
"That's such a basic answer though, other than him."
"I don't know, I was a big Iniesta fan too. Watching him play for Barcelona and Spain was incredible. What about you?"
"I mean," he gives me a look. "It's gotta be Zidane."
"Of course," I laugh.
"He made me the player I am today."
"That's sweet."
"What'd you mean by what you said about pedri earlier?"
"On text? I'm surprised you even remember that."
"When you said Iniesta it made me think of it."
"Ah. We got into a fight and we're mad at each other," I say, looking out the window.
"At the game? Cause you started the game next to him but when I scored you were at the top of the stands."
"He said something shity, so I decided to be petty and go sit with Gavi's family, in their box."
"What did he say." I look down at my hands, fidgeting with my rings.
"I don't really remember but he was mad because I was 'supporting' you guys." Jude looks at me confused. "I think when you first scored I stood up with shock and I think he thought I was celebrating or something. And he started saying some shit of how I'm always supporting the opposition or something."
"What a dick. Frenkie didn't say anything?"
"No he tried to break it up but I'm too pretty, and so I left."
"I honestly completely disagree with Pedri. You live in England but you still try to go to all the games and if you can't go you still support them online. And even though, yes Gavi is your family, it that doesn't mean you're obligated to support Barcelona."
"Thanks Jude, it means a lot to know you care even if it's a little."
"I do care Isa, I care so much," he says looking at me for a second.
"I guess this is a good time to say congrats for the win. You played so well."
"Thank you."
"The first goal was definitely one of the best this season, in all competitions."
"You think it'll get me a puskas award?"
"Okay buddy, it wasn't that great," I say before turning, to see him smile. "That reminds me that you had such a big game today, no way you aren't tired. Do you want me to drive?"
"No isa I'm fine. You should go to sleep though, it's really late."
"It's really okay Jude. I'm not tired and I can drive for a few hours. I don't mind at all."
"It's okay, don't worry about it."
"How about I sleep for a couple of hours, then when I wake up we switch and you get some sleep?"
"You're not letting this go, are you?"
"Okay fine. Do you want any food if I stop?"
"Get me a soda. Please." He smiles, nodding.
"Good night Izzy wizzy."
"Shut up Bellingham."

Fighting Fate | Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now