Chapter 3

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Weeks seemed to by like a blink of an eye, the buzz about me being a celebrity seemed to die down. School became more enjoyable, aside from the classes and waking up early. I needed up making three close friends,the three sisters who welcomed me with open arms and genuinely loved being around me. I spent a lot of days after school going to their house and doing homework and helping with chores. They would come over to my house, eat dinner and watch movies with me, Buttercup especially watching all of moms old movies and slightly fangirling when she met her in person.

The boys, however, were not as accepting. Brick never let the night I first met him down, in fact was still angry from me pepper spraying him. But hey, it was self defense on my part, he DID ask what I was hiding afterall.

Butch, still the same as ever, he and Brick both would take turns bullying or trying to get under my skin. It was best I just ignored them or acted unfaze by their actions, but truth was it was getting tiring just as the girls said. Boomer was...decent. He didn't live down me judging his concoction of drinks from that night; even though he himself hated the taste as well. The three seemed to get even more angry each time their pranks or taunts weren't working on me. They tried to intimidate me,  even when he three were together it didn't work. I didn't fold under their pressure, afterall I had three loving friends who wanted to protect me and even considering me a sister.

"So we are heading to that new little burger joint after school." Buttercup says as we jog together in PE. "Maybe wanna head there? Give it a try?"
I shrug. "Sure, sounds good. I'll text my mom that I'll be heading there after school then. Is the coach looking?"
She shakes her head, "Nah, I think he's lecturing Diana and her little friends."
I stop jogging, catching my breath as I lean against a tree. Buttercup does the same and smiles at me, "You alright?"
I laugh, shaking my head "I'm fine, don't worry. Just tired from running around for so long" I smile and stretch my limbs out in front of me. "Say Buttercup? About the boys, by chance when do their antics come to an end?"
Her eyebrows furrow, "Ummmmm.. I think the longer you show how their pranks an intimidation aren't getting to you. But me personally, I'd start being upfront with them. It's like...surving an encounter with a bear. If they see that you are a bigger threat, they would leave you be and find a more weaker target."
She says as she wipes sweat from her face, stretching a bit as she jogged in place waiting for me. "You know, Y/N...if you want me to beat those three up you can just ask. They clearly need a beating for being a bunch of pricks."

"I appreciate it Buttercup, but that's not needed. Like you said, if they wanna be threatening, then I'll return the same energy back."

"That's the spirit! Hell yeah!" She cheers as she pumps her fist into the air while laughing. "You're the best Y/N! I know you're totally gonna get back at those three, I can't wait to see it!" she drops an arm around me as we laugh together, getting back into jogging. We eventually catch up to the others and resume our previous activities.  After some intense activities, I headed towards the locker room to shower and change. I always saw things like this in movies, but never actually thought I would have to shower at school of all places.

As I made my way out my shower and headed to my locker, I noticed that my locker had been slightly opened. I opened the locker, and say that my clothes had been taken,along with my cell phone and my wallet. I panicked, searching through my empty locker in hopes that my things would magically reappear. I checked the nearby lockers, and under the benches and even in the showers. All my stuff disappeared, nothing. It isn't even a prank, my locker has been broken into, I've been robbed. This is bad. What am I gonna do now? Buttercup joined my side, obviously seeing me in a state of panic. "Y/N what's going on?!"
I sigh,"Someone broke into my locker and took all my stuff! This is Impossible, how could someone just come here and take my things??"

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