Chapter 5

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I wake up early on Monday morning, determined and ready to make a change for myself. I rummaged through the name-brand clothes my mom gave me, I had a good hour to get ready for school. I decided with with wearing some new shoes, the ones I always wore were pretty dirty and were close to falling apart, so I opted for some clean ones I have stored in my closet. I decided to style my hair in a different style. I always kept it the same, because I was mostly too lazy to even style it myself, despite mom offering to have people style it for me. Last I put on one of the name-brand clothing I had. It was some stylish top my sister had gave to me that she didn't wear anymore and some pants that would match. Amber loved to switch up her styles, not to mention if it wasn't what she wanted she switched to alternative style and would stitch and change her clothes. We had similar body types, which made it easy for me to wear her hand-me-downs.

This new style wasn't what I would go for, but as I looked in the mirror at myself I saw that it wasn't bad looking.

And I damn sure wasn't bad looking myself.

I posed a bit, admiring myself in the mirror, something I haven't done in a while. I felt powerful, attractive, and confident. I proudly make my way downstairs, seeing Eric passed out on the couch snoring loudly. A half bitten pizza slice in his hand as the TV was paused on a video game he was playing. I walk to him, throwing away the pizza and saving his data in the game before turning it off. I took a spare blanket from hanging off the couch and threw it over him, leaving a note on the table that I had left for school. I was out the house at exactly 7:15 am, the earliest I have ever been. My heart began to race as I see the school in the distance, anxiety grew as eyes were on me. I took a deep breath, holding my head high as I continued walking towards the building. Whispers of admiration and awe filled the halls as I walked past . I kept my head held high and my chest pushed out with pride. My walk was built with confidence, I made sure that it radiates into every part of my body.

I stop at my locker, grabbing my books and placing them inside as I slam the door shut and turn to the someone behind me. It was Blossom, her eyes widen as she stares at me and then a wide smile spread across her face. "Wow, you look great today! I almost didn't regonize you!"

"I look great everyday, I just decided today I let myself look better than ever." I smiled at her as she locks her arm around mine, walking with me to glass as we laugh together. "Seriously, this outfit suits you! The color, the accessories, everything!"
"Thanks! I really appreciate it,they mean alot coming from you!"
Blossom grinned at me and we walked to class. People continue to stare at me, I received a lot of compliments, more than I ever thought.  My smile only widened, as I looked ahead. Even though my classmates are gawking at me like I was some sort of goddess, a small part of me feels good. Maybe this wasn't such a terrible idea after all! This might be easier to manage with Blossom by my side.

As class begins, I start taking notes when Butch comes into class late as per usual. He takes a seat next to me, I choose to continue writing when I could feels his eyes  scanning my form as my eyes stayed on the paper. It felt weird, but not in an uncomfortable way. As the minutes ticked by, he whispers my name but I ignore him. He continues to whisper my name until finally, he starts tapping his fingers on my desk. I look up at him annoyed, his brow furrowed as he spoke.

"No you can't copy my notes so don't ask."

"That's not what I was going to say." Butch replies, "I just wanted to say that..." he scans me up and down, the corner of his lips curling upward in amusement. "You actually look decent today, Y/N, got a hot date or something?"

"I KNOW I look good, I don't need you to tell me that." I reply sharply.

"Sheesh, who pissed in your cereal today? Are you still mad at us for chatting with your brother? Cause you know it was really—"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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