so something happened...

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Never thought I'd get serious in this book but here we are.

Okay! So I'm not going to be naming anyone or pointing fingers, but a day or two ago, one of my books, LUST (Bang Chan), got some... reaction? How do I put it appropriately?

Basically this one author presumably read Lust, and was definitely appalled by it, and decided to create a chapter in their book dedicated entirely to my book.

I was not online during that time, and by the time i got here, the entire book was deleted, so I'm not completely sure what she wrote, but from all the screenshots I received, oh boy, it wasn't a pretty sight. They also put a screenshot of my profile and commented on the amount of reads and votes Lust has gotten till date.

Now, I'm aware of how my story is, what it contains, and there were disclaimers and warnings given over and over in the book: in the synopsis, in the author's notes, in the 'before you read' part, literally everywhere. And I know that the story is not everyone's cup of tea. But then again, it deals with topics which are meant for mature audiences. Toxic relationships, manipulation, unprotected sex, parental abuse, bad decisions -- there's all that. And I'm NOT glorifying any of that.


I'm honestly not even offended by this, because worse things than this have occurred in my radar already. I'm just trying to clarify that all that was NOT being glorified, nor am I sexualizing any idol, and nothing of this sort was supposed to offend someone.

And if you still decide to go as far as to paste screenshots of my profile, it's on you and solely you.

AND THANK YOU, MY MAYDAYS, FOR DEFENDING ME WITHOUT HATING ON ANYONE!! I really don't want anyone to hate on her if you somehow figure out who I'm talking about. I'm proud of you for being civil and respectful (from what I know of, thanks for the few screenshots i received). No need to interact with such things in the future, there's no point in doing so :)

I love you!

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