Part 1 : The Beginning

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"Please note that my wattpad story is in development meaning there's not a lot of words, texts, ect. But please read them as i work on them thank you" - WOs Project.

Wavorius One is a man of mystery. He never talks about his past, and nobody knows where he came from. Some say that he was born in a secret military installation, while others believe that he was raised by wolves in the mountains.

But there is one thing that everyone agrees on: his name is unique. No one has ever heard of anyone else with the same name.

So how did Wavorius One come to be named as such?

Rumor has it that he named himself after a comet that he saw in the sky one night while on patrol. It was a rare occurrence, and the sight of it took his breath away. He felt that the energy and power of the comet embodied everything that he was striving for, and so he decided to take on the name Wavorius, after the Latin word for "comet."

Some skeptics scoff

at this explanation, insisting that there must be some other reason for the name. But those who know Wavorius well say that it fits him perfectly - he is a force of nature, blazing through the skies with a ferocity that is as beautiful as it is deadly.

And so the legend of Wavorius One and his unique name lives on, whispered in hushed tones among members of Erusean Air Defense Force. Though he remains an enigma to most, those who have flown alongside him know that there is no one else like him in the world. And perhaps that is exactly how Wavorius wants it to be - a lone, soaring comet, lighting up the sky for all to see.

As Wavorius reflects on his name and the power it holds, he can't help but feel a sense of pride. Over the years, he has become an icon in the world of aerial combat - feared by his enemies, respected by his allies.

But even as he revels in his accomplishments, Wavorius knows that there is still much work to be done. The world is a dangerous place, and the skies are fraught with peril. As long as he is able to fly, he will continue to fight for what he believes in - the safety and security of his homeland, and the hope that one day, there will be no need for war.

As he looks up at the sky, watching the stars twinkle above him, Wavorius feels a sense of peace. He knows that he has made a difference in the world, and that his legacy will change forever.

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