Chapter nineteen

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       I stood in front of my locker, staring at the teddy bear in it. I remembered the first time it got here with Adrian's lunch invite. I reached out and touched it. It was a blue teddy with shinny black eyes. I still had Adrian's paper with me too. Everything had changed. So fast, so much! Nobody dared to hurt me. No one touched me, no one even looked for long at me. It felt different. It felt good.
           I shut my locker and turned to find Molly walking up to me. "Hey Molly! How's mom?" She nodded. "I uhh.. I have to get to class now so... Any problem?" "Not really. I was just wondering if.. well, maybe you're free or something. Could we at least talk a little?" I sighed. It'd be nice to know how they were doing, but Adrian and I had something in the afternoon.
        "Molly, I'd really love to but.. I'm kinda busy with something. Another time okay?" She nodded and smiled lightly. "I'm glad you're happy Anila. I really am." I nodded. "Thanks. I'll see you around." She nodded and I left. It was Friday and as usual I had free periods until lunch. I walked to the library.
         "Welcome, Anila." I smiled awkwardly at the Liberian, surprised he actually knew my name. Well, everyone did now after Adrian made that announcement. I walked to where I usually sat and found a group of girls sitting there. I remembered them from the day in the restroom. I didn't know what Adrian did to them after he said he had a score to settle with them, and I didn't ask either.
           "Uhm, excuse me, this is where I sit." They stopped their discussion and looked at me. Actually I could go to sit anywhere else but I really liked it here. It much more enclosed and secluded from the rest of the place. "If it isn't Anila Bright, Adrian's heartbeat!" Everyone knew Marga Reels was cheeky! I personally disliked her. I just wondered how she got everyone to do her mind. Except for Molly though. They were rivals.
           "Marg, you should stop now. Adrian warned us." I looked at the girl talking. She seemed quite new or I'd never noticed her before. "Shut your mouth Hilary! I'm not getting up. You can say all you want to Adrian." "Marga I don't intend to..." "She asked you to leave if I remember!" I paused at the voice behind me. Liam? What was he doing in the library? I mean, they could buy their grades or something like that. They had all the power. Was he really here to study did Adrian put him for the job of watching over me?
           "I was just..." "Leave! Now!" Marga looked at me, picked her things and walked off with her friends. I turned back to Liam, his sly smile returned. "Good to see you too Nils!" He exclaimed dramatically throwing his hands around me. I pulled away from him. "What are you doing here?" He raised his brows. "What people do in the library Nils. What are you doing here?" I scoffed and sat down.
           "Don't act smart Liam. I know you have your way in this school, state, country even." He sighed and sat beside me. "That is my parents' way. I have a life. I need to study. Okay? I'm doing some rich kid life out here." "So you not gonna by your grades?" "In Adrian's school?" He scoffed. "He definitely won't let me. By the way, where's he? Haven't seen him since morning." "We drove to school together Liam!" "Oh! Right! But where's he?" "His dad called. Something like that." He was quiet for a while. "Let's hope for the better." He said and leaned in his chair.
             I was flipping through my book, trying to find something to study when he spoke. "Adrian's one hell of a guy." I looked at him. "I've never seen someone as strong as him. His life's hell. And I mean, very disastrous. But he keeps it all in. You put him on the line." He looked at me. "You put him on the right path." Then he chuckled. "Guy's crazy as fuck! I just don't know how you did it. I still wonder what you did to him."
            I didn't know what he was trying to say, but I didn't ask. I just listened. "You know for years, he used to watch you. He didn't say anything, but I knew. So many times when we were together, I saw his eyes wonder away. He kept staring at you. Sometimes I thought he was crazy, sometimes I thought I was crazy. I looked at our status, girls he slept with, people we mingled with. You were nothing close to it.
           Don't blame me, but I sure didn't like you back then. Because I was worried for a brother. I was worried if Adrian fell for you, nothing would go right with him. But I guess I just didn't understand him. No one has ever understood him, not even his mom. Adrian's just.. Adrian! But I definitely saw it coming. I'm sure I did. That day he left you in the clinic the first time, he had a fight with his dad. You know why? Cause he used a black card to buy food for you. He was upset. The other day he left cause he had a date with his family. He got locked up after there cause he wanted to come to you."
           He stopped and looked at me. "He's never been like this with anyone. He always wanted to take care of you. He's still fighting his whole life and everything he's stood for, just for you. I this will be hard Anila, but Adrian's like my brother. Please promise me no matter what happens, you'll always be with him. He'll be shattered if you leave him. He doesn't say it, but I know it. Please promise me Anila. Okay?"
           I didn't know what to say or feel. My heart was so heavy I wanted to cry. But I didn't cry. I nodded slowly. "Promise?" He asked again. "Promise." He smiled and rubbed my head. "That's my girl." I smiled. "Oh hey, you're becoming taller." "I'm not short!" He laughed. I couldn't help smiling too. "Never tell Adrian I told you anything. He'll find my grave." I smiled. "Only if you stop teasing me." "Are you threatening me?" "I may be." He just smiled.
          When the bell for lunch finally rang, I was sleeping with my head on Liam's shoulder while he read. They were really serious about making good grades. "Awake?" I nodded. "Let's go and eat. Leave your books I'll ask Thomas to keep them safe."  I nodded and stood up. He held my hand and led me to the lunch room, reminding the Liberian to pack my books safe. Liam kept me at a table and went to get our food. It was the first time I was eating in the lunch room. I could feel all eyes on me.
           "Xup Nils!" Dylan walked up to me and rubbed my head. I hated the way they treated me like a baby. "Stop ruining my hair." "Oops sorry!" He raised his hands. Liam came back with my and his lunch. "Dude! Where's mine?" "You know the table!" Liam snapped. "Fuck you!" Dylan cursed before leaving to get his food. "Don't listen to him, kitty. Those words are for adults." I frowned at Liam.
         "First of all don't call me kitty. Second I'm not a child." He smirked. "You, are our baby, and second you look like a kitty with your sleepy face." Yeah! I still felt sleepy. I sighed while Dylan dropped his food and sat down. "Where's A?" He asked. "He's..." Liam started to answer but stopped and looked up. I felt someone touch my neck and a quick kiss captured my lips. "Y'all missed me so much?" Liam clicked his tongue while Dylan hissed. I just smiled.
              Adrian sat down beside me and put five bottles of soda on the table. "Whoa man! Did you steal that?" Liam exclaimed. "From my dad." Adrian said pushing a bottle to each while two bottles to me. I was confused. "Yo! She gets two?" Liam frowned. "Ima take that from you even." Adrian threatened. Liam snatched his drink away and scoffed. "I'll get a girlfriend too." He said opening the soda. "Good for you!" Dylan said earning a quick glare.
            "Can I give someone one of these?" Adrian looked at me. "If you want to. But don't give these jerks." I smiled excited and kissed him before leaving. I walked to Molly's table near the window and dropped the drink. She looked at me. "I'm still hoping to talk sometime though." She smiled and nodded. I smiled too and walked back to Adrian. He had a proud smile on his face. I sat down and sighed. "You really did that?" Liam raised his brows.
         "She's my sister! I wanted to..." I really wanted to hug her and cry out, ask if she was really fine or not, but I couldn't. I still felt hurt from everything. I sucked in my lower lip, trying not to cry. "Ooooh, don't cry kitty. I was just kidding." "I'm not a kitty!" "You actually look like one to me." I glared at Adrian! "Sorry!" He kissed my head. "Hey, finish your food, lunch will soon be over." I nodded and started to eat.

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