Rule 553

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After that "double date", Taehyun had been acting odd but seemingly fine. It was normal for others, except Kai who noticed his unusual unfocused moments where he zones out and gets startled when someone had figured out he was inattentive.

"Are you okay?" Huening Kai asked while the two were walking in the hallway of Taehyun's company building. It was a week of the brunette's modeling again. Kai had a free schedule to hang out with him, mostly to support his photoshooting process.

Taehyun took a sip of his caramel macchiato, his lips forming a small pout. "Why do you ask?" He questioned back, looking at Kai with sincere curiosity and worry. Taehyun didn't like for others to get concerned about his health, because he knows he's independent enough to take care of himself and didn't need anyone to help him. He said to himself that he wasn't a kid anymore, and didn't need to find someone to take care of him; when he was getting weak because of a stupid cold.

Kai's eyes slightly grew big. "You've been out of your mind these days, what's been bothering you? — tell me." He had a frown on his face, his hands caressing up to Taehyun's shoulder to comfort and reassure him that he's by his side always.

Taehyun slid and fixed his hair to the back, strands falling back when he finally brought his hand down, "It's nothing, don't worry." he gave a smile, yet it wasn't genuine. Taehyun saw a trashcan near them and immediately threw the cup away.

Taehyun continued on walking while Kai had halted on his steps, "Is it because of Beomgyu again?" Kai kept on inquiring worriedly.

Taehyun stopped on his actions, stopped on his pace of walking and breathing. His lips moved and parted, but no sound was coming out of his mouth. He felt a lump on the back of his throat once again, and it was preventing him to speak as always.

He slightly turned his head to the right, only his side profile could be seen by Kai. "Don't worry." he repeated and left the hallway to his next room.

Kai was standing there, still feeling uneasy. Sighing, he decided not to worry just like what Taehyun had said. At least, he was trying not to; but he caught Taehyun being neglected on his job.

Huening Kai and Taehyun had said their goodbye to each other before leaving, the brunette was only working half day and was now walking to a random library where he could eat his snack quietly.

Midway of walking, he saw Beomgyu and Euji together again. Why must he see them everywhere he goes? why did he have to suffer this much seeing them happy? why? — that was what Taehyun kept asking himself. He felt betrayed.

If only I loved you earlier,

we could've been together.

Taehyun felt a painful stinging through his whole body as his muscles ached and became weak, he lost balance and dropped to the floor on his knees. He felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart, the passageway of the air in his lungs started to close up along with his esophagus, preventing him to breathe properly.

Because of this, Taehyun felt utterly weak. Beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead and around his cold skin, his heart started to beat rapidly, along with his hands that started to quiver.

A traumatizing scene and memory was starting to occur, and a crowd was formed. He could hear a soothing familiar voice shouting out loud, but his head was spinning and in a mess that he couldn't tell who was calling his name.

Taehyun's headache worsen, he felt his body resting and mind blank before his sight turned black.


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