A new helper?

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After applying the ointment on my ankle, I felt the pain subsided a lil bit. The hardness of my step father's pull was very hard and I have a now bruised ankle.


I pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and a normal blue turtleneck sweater with a pair of awhsome red Converse. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

Until I reach the bottom, I was slapped hard across the face. I sent me flying across the room. I winced at how pain it was.

"Guess what? I dont want your stupid breakfast! I'm goin out." Otis said as he kicked me in the stomach. Yea, it happens.

I meekly nodded as he made his way out the front door.

Good riddance..

I looked one last time to see that I have a small cut on my soft pink lips. Damn.. I licked off the blood and headed to school.


Sucking a deep breath, I entered the school borders. Avoiding eye contact from mostly everyone, I headed to the library.

As soon as I went in the library, Mrs Rosie looked at me with sympathy. "Are you alright dearie?" Mrs Rosie is from London and in her mid-forties.

I nodded meekly and gave her a small smile. She returned the smile to me. When I walked towards the back shelf to arrange the books in the cart, Mrs Rosie said something.

"Alexia?" I turned to her. "We have a new helper. You should know-" before she could finish, a pile of books collapsed from the west side of the library.

"Sorry!!" someone yelled, from that, should be a guy. I turned to Mrs Rosie confused.

Who would help in the library? I thought.

"Ah, Xavier Grey isn't good with his hands." she joked.

Wait, did she say Xavier Grey?? As in the hottest, hotter than hot, with God like features, troublemaker - Xavier Grey????????

I stared at Rosie wide eyed. "Oh yes. He's helping cause he wanted to ditch detention. So Mr Riles (principal) gave him a job." she said and chuckled. I fake chuckled.

Soon, he appeared. "Oh, hi!" he said cheerfully. I gave Mrs Rosie a nervous smile. "It's alright dearie. He doesn't bite." she joked, I laughed.


Xavier's Pov¤

Stupid library...

Stupid books...

stupid principal...

Stupid shelves...

Argh!!!! Geez, can something save me from this boredom???

Then, the doors opened. I didn't really realize there was a pile of books in front of me so I knocked thwm over causing a loud thud.

I got up as quick as possible.  "Sorry!!" I said loudly, hoping Rosie would be able to hear me. But when I was picking the books up, a scent hit me.

Vanilla, mint,cotton candy...my favorite..  I thought

to myself. Wait, does it mean my mate is here?

I quickly rushed over to see who my beautiful mate is, revealing - Alexia McCain. The school's nerdy, library helper, shy girl. Man...she was more than perfect.

Although I must say, she's a little bit skinny. Why? Was she not eating well? Huh...that explains why she doesn't go to the cafeteria. Hmm..I gotta find out why.

But first, start by being nice.

"Oh hi!" I said waving at her and flashing her my best smile. She gave Mrs Rosie a nervous smile. "it's alright dearie, he doesn't bite." she joked and my precious mate laughed.

Man, that laugh sounds like sweet music to me. I wish I could have her in my arms now..

"Well, get to it then. These books aren't going to be arranged by themselves you know," she said as she continued whatever she was doing on the computer.

Alexia, dropped her bag and shuffled towards the back shelf. I gotta introduce myself.

"Hi." I said, she looked at me startled. "My name is Xavier Grey. I'll be helping out in here for 2 months."

Hope she doesn't suspect im here cause of detention.

I was hoping she would answer me, but instead she turned her back and continued. Now, that angered me. Rule number 1 : Never disrespect an alpha.

Oh yea, you probably dont know anything about me.

My name is- sheesh forget that part. Im 19 years old and alpha for my pack. Im next in line, does it count?

Anyways, I've been waiting since my 18th birthday night hoping my mate would be there, but nope.

She's a human in the same school as me.


chapter 2!!!!! Enjoy!!!

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