Lunch together in the library?

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Hey guys!! Before I start the story, I wanted to say thank u for the votes and pls read the important a/n at the end!!


Alexia's Pov

So, the time finally came.

Recess. The school's nervous system. I know right? But I dont eat there, I usually eat some place quiet, relaxing than people yelling, staring, gossiping and what nots.

But, something unusual happened. Xavier asked if he could stay with me throughout recess for some project he has with Cathy.

Now, Cathy, she is the school's drama queen, queen bee ir queen biotch. That's what they call her, not my problemo.

It kinda felt weird, considering I can't talk I'll just have to use ASL : American Sign Language. If he actually understands it.

Oh my gosh, this is gonna be a long recess...


As I settled my books on the table, I switched on the air-conditioner and plucked my ear phones into my phone. Log in to Spotify and shuffled till it appeared 'Bright' by Echosmith.

I let out a sigh and started flipping through History. French Revolution. Wonderful.

As I studied through the hard unit, I hummed aling with the song.


Xavier's Pov

Oh great!! im late!!! Shoot, I'm late for my studies with Alexia and probably wont be able to ask her to prom!

I feel like shifting to my wolf and clawing the tress! But, im in school so...

Finally, I reached the library. Thank the Moon Goddess!!!

As I stepped in, I heard music coming from the study room. Curious, I walked closer to the melodious music.

I peaked in the room and saw Alexia singing/humming along the song called "Flashlight" by Jessie J. I swear, I want nothing but to cuddle with her..

Alright, starting to sound freaking creepy! Lol. But seriously tho.

Clearing my throat, I knocked on the door. Dammit, I wanted to listen longer but I can't.

She stopped and snapped her head towards the door and a small smile curled her lips.

I smirked, I'm awesome. "Hey!" I started, she waved. "So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked settling the pile of books I brought thag I know what happened in history cause I was there. Come on, werewolves have been on earth for so long since 1670++.

Then, she started doing some weird finger thingys. I think she realized my confused, dumbfounded face cause she took a piece of paper and wrote what she wanted to say.

"We'll be reading on the French Revolution. Okay?"

I nodded.

She started pointing out the 'must reads' and 'obvious points'. Geez, she could be a teacher.

Then after she was done, she smiled at me, nudging me to read those she folded. I nodded and smiled, she didn't return it.


Alexia's Pov

I couldn't the small smile that my lips formed wheh Xavier actually turn up for revisions. I just couldn't help it.

"Hey!" I waved. "So what are we gonna do today?" he asked as he made himself comfy on the chair. I started doing ASL saying :"We'll be doing the french Revolution"

But seeing his confused and dumbfounded face, I ripped a piece of paper and wrote. He finally understood. Sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

Later, he started reading and looking in. I swear, his face was so cute and gorgeous.

It wasn't long when he caught me staring at him I quickly turned back. I cant help but blushed. Oh man, this is embarrassing.

"Like what you see?" he smirked. I nervous laughed. Omg..

{40 minutes later}

"Hey, thanks for helping me out," Xavier thanked as we left the library. I smiled and nodded.

"My pleasure." I thought it was loud enough  to hear, but instead it came out a soft whisper. Darn..

"Thanks," he said, omg, did he actually hear me??

His hearing sense must be advanced.

Just before I was about to leave to my English class, he took my wrist. "Hey, prom is in a few days, do you have a date?"

I chuckked softly. "Who would wanna take me?" again it came out a soft whisper. "I would."

Wow, he could really hear me. 100% confirmed.

"I'll pick you up around 730. okay?" he asked I nodded. He smiled and walked away.

Meeep!!!! Xavier Rodriguez Grey asked me out! Well, technically to prom. OH MY GOSH!!!!


Hellooo people!!! Here's chapter 3!!! Well there's something important I needa say.

Thank you to those who voted and commented and followed!! I cant reply to your comments because of some errors. Im  so  so  so so so sorry!!!

Lastly, I need you guys favour. I need a cover for this story. I wilk give a shoutout to thise that helped me make my cover!

PM me and I will choose which is best. But those who helped I will also give a shoutout even tho if I didn't use yr cover!!

Thank you Baby Kangaroos!!! ¤¤¤

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