✨Chapter 6✨

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"Mitsuuu, help meee." I whine, shaking my best friend.

"Y/n, let goo." She complained.

"What are you even talking about anyways?" She asked, dusting imaginary dust off her uniform.

"Saturday, I have a date, well not really date, with Ke- Akaashi." I say.

"WAIT WHAT." She asks, more of a statement than a question, really. "Really? Why didn't you say so?"

"I tried, you were too busy flirting with Yaru before!" I frown.

"S-shut up!" She turns red from embarrassment.

"Firstly, no, and secondly, I think you guys look cute." I start.

"Wait really?" She seems surprised.

"Well yes, you and him would look great together." I say. "But anyways, WHAT DO I DO ON SATUDAY?"


"WHAT DO YOU MEANNN??" I grumble. "You're supposed to be like, a dating expert. Or some shit like that."

"I am not, that was middle school, by the way." She says. "And besides, I think it would be fine either way. Akaashi already likes you, so it's fine on that department." She muses.



"But anyways..." She says quickly. "Call me beforehand so that I can help you pick an outfit, okay?"

"Okay..." The bell rings as I'm about to say something else.


(akaashi pov)

"Bokuto?" I ask hesitantly.

"How can I help thee? Akaashi?" He says grandly.

"Well, do you perhaps have Ayani's number?" I ask.

"What? I thiught you liked Y/n? Don't tell me you're two timing!" He exclaims.

"I'm not!" I sigh loudly, hoping no one else in the hall heard Bokuto. "I just want to ask her for advice on what to do with Y/n..."

"Why can't you ask me?" Bokuto pouted.

"No offense Bo, but I don't really trust you when it comes to dating." I state. "You havn't even gotten together with Yukie yet."

"Fair enough." He shrugs. " I'll text you it."


A few seconds later, I got a notification on my phone. Perfect

I add the number to my contacts.

Ayani Mitsuki

Hey, this is Ayani right?

A couple minutes later I got a reply

Um, yeah
Who is this?

Oh, sorry, it's Akaashi

hi akaashi
why are you texting me?

i need your help
i want to tell y/n that i
like her
but idk how to
we're hanging out on sat tho

ah, i see
dw dating expert is here to
advise you
or smth like that idk acc

well go on then

where are you guys going?

im gonna go to her house
and tutor her
then we're gonna go to the
mall after

get a gift for her
then confess
and give her the gift
try to do it where there's not
too many ppl tho
y/n doesnt rlly like attention

what should i get her

ooo matching bracelets
yk like those ones that have
the pendent that sticks tgt
ya those kinds
y/n loves sappy shit like that
oh and maybe get her flowers
if you can sneak away to get

matching bracelets
and flowers if possible
and confess in a secluded
area with not that many ppl
got it

you got this
go get her
you have a day to buy her
a bracelet
unless you can get it when
youre with her

ill get it today
thanks Ayani-chan

oh dw abt the honorifics
i hate formalities lol
oh and js call me mitsuki
its fine

ok thanks then mitsuki
you dont worry about the
honorifics either

i wasnt planning to


seen just now

Well off to the jewlery store I go

teensy bit short so mbbb but its ok bc we get to see akaashi asking for help on dating

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