✨Chapter 18✨

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"Keiji why did you add me to that chat?" I tug on his shirt.

"Hm? Well, I needed someone in the chat that is actually sane." He shrugs, turning around to look at me.

We're at school now, it's lunch, thank god. I don't think I can sit through another minute of calculus.

"I'm pretty crazy sometimes." I start walking next to him.

"Hm, you do dislike matcha, clear sign of insanity there." He mused, nudging me with his elbow.

"Matcha is too bitter." I frown.

"See? Weirdo." He laughs.

"I am not weird." I exclaim. "I am very much a normal nice girl who has good opinions on ice cream flavours."

"Matcha hater." He snickers.

"I don't hate matcha." I pout. "I just think other flavours are better!"


"Hey, are they dating?" I hear a girl ask her friend.

"I don't know, I haven't seen them together much, only recently." The friend replied.

"That's a shame if they are dating, Akaashi-san is so hot."

How could I forget, Keiji is still widely crushed on.

"Y/n? We're here." I feel Akaashi grab my hand.

"Hm? Right." I smile, following him into the cafeteria.

We find our usual table, with Konoha already flirting with Kaori and Bokuto already doing stupid shit.

How weird, we never used to eat with them, but now our lunch table is huge.

"Oh, perfect timing! Y/n, who do you think has the better fashion sense? Me or Bokuto?" Konoha asks as I sit down next to Mitsuki (who was being a total blushing mess while talking to Yura).

"Neither. Both of you suck at dressing." I smile sweetly.

"What! I am a fashion god!" He gasps.

"...Kono, I had to talk you out of wearing a pin striped red flannel with black ripped jeans." I wrinkle my nose at him.

"Was it really that bad?" He frowns.

"It was that bad." Kaori giggled.

"Kaori, I'm gonna need you to help me teach this dimwit some fashion sense." I sigh. "I'm struggling with this idiot."

"Yeah, I mean seriously." Kaori sighs. "He tried putting a neon yellow toxic jacket and beige cargos together with a sky blue shirt underneath to our date. TO AN AQUARIUM"

"Oh lord help." Mitsuki mutters under her breath, turning to us. "This guy dresses worse than a fucking rat. I mean, you already look like one, don't dress like one too."

"When did this turn into a roasting sesh?" Konoha frowns.

"Babe, we're doing this to help." Kaori patted his arm.

"Y/n, love." I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over to find Akaashi blinking at me.

"Yes love?" I ask. He seems surprised that I called him love back but continues with a smile.

"I wanted to ask if you would like to go on a date with me?" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

He's so adorable

"Of course!" I grin.

"Right, is saturday good? I'll come pick you up." He smiled.

"Yep! What time?" I stuff a piece of steamed broccoli in my mouth.

"About one?" He says.

"Sure that sounds great." I say, then proceed to choke on my next piece of broccoli, making Akaashi have to pat my back in a worried tone.

Shit's goin' great man.

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