Chapter XIV

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"What are you talking about?"
She questioned

Bellatrix asked if I knew anything about Voldemort's plans, I would answer her, but then, her sister interrupted me.
"You already know that Voldemort does everything to be powerful, including killing his most faithful servants," she said. "He has no friends, but servants. And if you give him the wand in his hands, he will think that you took it from (y/n). this mmakesthe wand yours, ultimately putting not only your life but our family at risk."
Anger consumed Bellatrix as Narcisa explained what would happen if Voldemort found out about the wand. But then her expression changed, a smile forming on her lips. This has scared me, and I turned to see Narcissa watching her from the corner of the room.
And unexpectedly, a laugh escaped Bellatrix's mouth.

"bButI won't hand over the wand. She will."

3rd person pov

As Narcisa handed over the elder's wand to her sister, Bellatrix lifted (y/n)'s blouse, revealing some of her skin. she looked back at her captive's hand and noticed that there was a small silver ring on her finger. it remembered Bellatrix about the ring she gave to (y/n) years ago as if butterflies had invaded her stomach. Bellatrix didn't expect to feel this way again.
Bellatrix was so lost in her thoughts that when she exchanged glances with her captive, her face was completely flushed. Then she proceeded hiding the elder wand under (y/n)'s blouse, Finally letting her aside.

In the dimly lit room, Bellatrix Lestrange paced anxiously. She stopped abruptly and turned to her sister Narcissa, who stood motionless by the door. "Sister," she hissed, "I must leave for a short while. I need you to keep an eye on our hostage, (y/n).

Narcisa nodded curtly, her pale face betraying no emotion. "Of course, Bellatrix." Her voice was cool and detached, but inside, her heart raced with fear. If anything were to happen to their captive...
Bellatrix eyed her sister suspiciously for a moment before turning away. "

The Malfoy Manor loomed ominously over its surroundings, seemingly alive with malice. Within its walls, Lord Voldemort resided, plotting the downfall of all those he deemed unworthy. Alongside him lived Bellatrix Lestrange, one of his most loyal servants.

Since Harry Potter's death, secret meetings were held within the depths of the manor every single day, where missions were assigned to various Death Eaters. These assignments typically involved hunting down and eliminating Muggle-borns or anyone suspected of treason against the Dark Lord.

As if sensing the impending danger, (y/n)'s mind went blank, devoid of thought or feeling. Emotionless, she followed Bellatrix through the labyrinthine halls of the ancient mansion.
With a sudden jerk, Bellatrix yanked (y/n) free from her restraints, causing her to stumble forward. "Lord Voldemort wishes to speak with you," she growled, shoving the terrified girl toward the center of the room.

The air seemed to thicken as they approached the throne, and when they finally reached it, (y/n) could feel the weight of Lord Voldemort's gaze bearing down upon her. He sat there, A long black cape covered his colorless skin. He looked reptilian due to the changes to his face. His face held an expression of disgust upon noticing (y/n).

"This girl," Voldemort began, his voice cold and menacing, "is nothing more than a pawn in a game far greater than yourself. But do not mistake my mercy for weakness; your fate lies in my hands."
As he spoke, a massive serpent slithered across the floor towards them, its scales gleaming like polished obsidian.

Nagini was Voldemort's most trusted and loyal servant. It had been with him since his earliest days as a Ddarkwizard, and it shared in the power that he possessed. As it neared (y/n), she could feel its presence like an icy wind on her skin.

"This is yours, Nagini,"Voldemort's words cut through her like a knife, and she bristled at his command.  his eyes never leaving (y/n). The snake slithered closer still, its tongue flickering out to taste the air around her. Fear coursed through her veins as she realized that she was completely at the mercy of these two beings.
But then something unexpected happened.

'this is it' Thought (y/n) grimly. Death seemed inevitable, Was she really destined to live out her life as nothing more than a victim, someone who hadn't achieved their dreams and couldn't even do a proper revenge for the death of her parents? It seemed so. Just in time to be killed by Voldemort himself, (y/n) murmured something under her breath. It was a spell, one that she had learned in her years at Hogwarts. One that she hadn't expected to use against another wizard, let alone Voldemort himself.
But it worked.

The snake froze mid-slither, its body going rigid as it stopped moving entirely. All of Lord Voldemort's servants were stunned into silence, their eyes wide with disbelief. Even Voldemort himself looked surprised. His red eyes narrowed as they locked onto hers.
For a moment, everything was still.

And then, without hesitation, Voldemort raised his wand once again. He knew that she had defied him, and now there would be consequences.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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