chapter two

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іrᥣ 🝮

y/n pov ~

i wake up feeling extremely exhausted. i went to go check my phone but stopped when i felt a hand gently resting on the back of my head. i blushed but sat up quietly anyways. i checked my phone for any notifications.

100+ ᥒᥱᥕ 𝖿᥆ᥣᥣ᥆ᥕᥱrs. sᥲᥡ һі!

ᥒ᥆ ᥆𝗍һᥱr ᥒ᥆𝗍і𝖿іᥴᥲ𝗍і᥆ᥒs.

i sighed. being famous was a little lonely. i mean i loved my life but sometimes people forget you're human and have feelings, so nobody checks up on you.

"mmm what're you doing lame-o..." he mumbled in a morning voice that could give me goose bumps every time i heard it.

"checking my phone, might go stream when the rest of them are out and going." i replied as calmly as i could manage. i stretched my arms up trying to wake myself up.

"you look like a flying squirrel when you do that," he laughed and turned back over on his side. i gazed over his way, admiring his features that should be impossible to obtain.

i finally got up and saw the house was empty. i got my mini tripod and set up to stream in the kitchen. walker got up and followed me. i turned around and he was rubbing his eyes like a little kid. he was so adorable.

"what're you doing sun?" he asked clearly still tired.

"streaming," i replied, giving him a light smile. "i would ask you to join but you look very tired kelpy." he huffed.

"i'm awake enough to grace my lovely fans with my presence." he smirked, seeming a little more awake now besides the very light bags under his eyes that somehow made his face even more perfect.

i groaned. "always an egotistical one, never humble. tsk tsk walker.. what would percy think hmm?" i poked his nose. he pouted his bottom lip.

"percy would think that if you're hot you gotta own it, WHICH he does flawlessly, if i may add." again, always egotistical.

"well to be honest i didn't want you to add." i retorted.

"whatever, what are you doing on your stream?" he changed the topic while i was getting baking supplies out.

"baking, you don't have to join if you don't want," i said, not looking at him.

"eh i don't have anything better to do, and id rather be stuck with a loser than be alone in my bed that you seem to be very happy in." he raised his eyebrow at me as i turned to face him. i stuck my tongue out at him in response.

"okay let's get this baking started, shall we?" i asked him. he winked at me and i had to turn away to hide my flush.

s𝗍rᥱᥲmіᥒg 🝮

"okay live in 3.. 2.." walker counted down, mouthing the last number at me.

at first i only had a few people on my live, but then more and more people started to join.

"hi hi my lovelies!" i said enthusiasticly. "unfortunately you guys have someone else on this live here tod-" i was cut off by - well, you can guess who.

𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥 - 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐧 ❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now