chapter seven

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hey y/n
can you ft
pretty pls

hi pookie dookie


and i can facetime but only for a little
i got an early flight tmr morning 😋

fg about that
any chance someone else can
come pick ur annoying butt up

nah i'll annoy you

bullet in my head

i'll just ask charlie or dior 😞

i'm picking you up
not charlie

what about dior lmao

i'm picking you up
8am right?

yep yep

can you facetime
your voice is boring and i'm tired

in that case no i cannot

answer the call nerd

𝖿ᥲᥴᥱ𝗍іmᥱ 🝮

y/n pov~

i answer the call and walkers face instantly turns into a smile.

"yay i can get sleep now!" walker exclaimed sarcastically. i rolled my eyes.

"walker i will literally hang up on you right now my voice is not boring." i huff out at his annoying admition.

"you're right it's not boring," he starts and i raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"what is my voice then?"


i hang up the call for the fun of it just to make him mad. i laugh when he immediately calls me again and i answer it.

"what did i say about being a douche to me walker scobell?" i laugh at his previous antics. he pouts his bottom lip out at me and crosses his arms.

"whatever i was not being a douche at all. and let's get real you'd rather talk to this douche-" he does quotation marks with his hands, "- than talk to anyone else." he smirks at me. he's right but let's get real, i'd never admit that to him.

"you're so full off yourself, you need to be humbled." i groan. his ego will never be less than what it is now.

"i have a reason to be full of myself, people love me and they just feed my ego all the time"

"they shouldnt, you're not all that and a piece of candy scobell"

"uh huh keep telling yourself that buddy"

"no you keep telling YOURSELF that you're all that when you aren't" i chuckled at my best friend.

"you seem to think im pretty adorable though don't you sun?" he catches me off guard with his question and smirks as i start coughing.

𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥 - 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐧 ❤︎︎Where stories live. Discover now