chapter five

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іᥒs𝗍ᥲgrᥲm 🝮

іᥒs𝗍ᥲgrᥲm 🝮

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walker2cool this little idiot is leaving us

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walker2cool this little idiot is leaving us

liked by yourusername, aryanisreal, momonaismoana, and 62,320 others.

view 4,591 comments

usernamenotfound there's no way

user where th is she going??

leeahjeffries im going to miss you bb :(
yourusername im going to miss you more ml🫶🏽
walker2cool and me?
yourusername let's not get too ahead of ourselves

userjoemama wait so she won't be streaming??
realwisegirl i don't think so
user69 bro fml someone shoot me

3.141592653589 pi
cheeser me core 🎀

player96 no please this cannot be happening i need her streams to stay alive 🙇‍♀️
walker2cool @yourusername if i see one more comment like this im ending it all
yourusername what flowers u want on ur grave bud?


im currently in walkers car, about to arrive at the airport soon. he insisted on taking me himself instead of me taking an uber. considering i was on the 6am flight i was almost positive he wouldn't want to take me, but he was actually up before me.

he made sure i had everything before we left even though we were extremely early and only 10-20 minutes away from the airport.

walker subconsciously held my hand when the airport came into view. "you pinky promise you're going to facetime me everyday?" he asked warily. i looked over at him and nodded, giving him my best reassuring smile.

"i promise mr kelpy." he turned his head to look over at me, a light pink blush washing over his freckled face.

he then squeezes my hand three times. i squeezed his hand back and he smiled at me.

he pulled into the departure line infront of the airport. i started to get out of the car to go and unload my stuff from the trunk, but saw walker was already done pulling my luggage out.

i smiled and walked towards him, giving him a playful curtsy. i tried to take my suitcase and carryon, but he stopped me.

"i'm going to miss you so much y/n." he whispers. i give him a hug which he quickly returns. he rested his head into the crook of my neck and i played with his curls as he did.

"i gotta go walker, ill text you when we takeoff and as soon as i land okay?" he groaned and nuzzled his head further into my neck, his breath tickling my soft skin.

"please be safe sun. send me pictures of the prettiest sunsets for me okay?" he mumbled. i blushed and lightly turned my head to give the top of his head a light kiss. he hummed in response.

i gently untangled our bodies and tried to get him to smile. "lighten up kelpy, you won't miss me too much," i winked at him. his face then lightened up and did a'duh' movement.

"i kinda forgot how much you annoy me so yeah, i prob won't miss you" he joked with me, adding a playful eye roll onto the end of his dramatic statement.

"i actually hate you walker scobell." i said annoyed and huffed. just then a car behind us honked. that was our cue.

"i'll call you as soon as i get to my hotel, okay?" i reassured him once more. he nodded and gave me a smile.

he lightly lifted up my chin as he gently placed a kiss on my forehead. "remember, sunset pictures sun." he smiled and pushed me and my luggage toward the doors into the airport. i turned back and waved to walker, smiling with a warmth running across my cheeks.


yourusername finally in LA! hotel is really nice but lonely:(

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yourusername finally in LA! hotel is really nice but lonely:(

liked by walker2cool, luv..ddiorr, bradynoooon, and others.

view 29,016 comments

user69 woah.
player96 i literally would fight to the death for this woman.
realwisegirl wouldn't we all oh my god

userjoemama i would pay millions to look like you.
loved by yourusername

walker2cool i miss you sun
yourusername "stop being such a sap"
walker2cool ok nvm i take it back tf
yourusername no no im sorry forgive me kelpy
user7 walker since when were you nice to y/n? 🤔
user19 since they started smashing i guess 🤷🏽‍♀️

luv..ddiorr MY beautiful, beautiful bsf.
walker2cool incorrect
yourusername walker scobell be nice. and i love you so so much dior
user6374926 walker what does this mean???

a/n :) —

hii guys i rly hope you like my story so far!
i'm sorry this chapter was so short i just didn't really have any other ideas for it and the post seems like a good stopping point

the next chapter will be out in a few hours anyway lol love you guys 🎀🫶🏽

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