chapter eight

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y/n pov ~

it was finally the day for me to go back home. i could barely contain my excitement as my plane lands on the the runway. only twenty minutes til i get to see walker. the smile on my face instantly grew 2x its normal size.

i don't know what had changed between us over the span of me being LA, but our relationship was different now. i hoped not in a bad way, though. i couldn't stand the thought of of me and him not being friends at all. i would physically leave the percy jackson series. i wouldn't be able to live with myself.

walker has helped me through so many things that i can't even count them anymore. he always made sure i was okay and i was always smiling around him or just having the best time. time always flew by so quickly when it came to hanging out with him. he was perfect.


the time finally came for when i was getting off my plane. i grabbed my suitcase from the overhead compartment and swiftly walked off the plane.

i walked past the security area searching for walker. he promised he would meet my by the security area, but i didn't see him.

i started to walk around turning my head each and every way when someone looked or sounded like him.

i felt a light hand bruh around my shoulders. "looking for me?" a voice whispered. a voice i could explain to anyone who had never heard this precious boy talk before.

i gasped lightly and whipped my head around to be met with icy blue eyes practically burning through mine of e/c.

"walker!!! oh my god i missed you so-" he cuts me off by engrossing me into the tightest hug i think i've ever experienced in my entire lifetime. i tensed before hugging him back tighter than humanly possible.

"i missed you so much sun." he whispered into my ear.

"i missed you more kelpy."

his hands lowered into the crevices on my waist as his grip loosend, but still tight enough to keep me in his grasp. i decided to wrap my arms around his neck as i went on my tippy toes to rest my chin on his shoulder.

we stayed that way for what seemed like forever until he slowly pulled away, yet his hands lingered on my waist softly. i think i physically whined a little but out loud but if i did he didn't notice.

"never leave me for that long again you dork." he mumbled under his breath. i smirked and ran my fingers through his messy, untamed curls.

"oh well i guess now would be a good time to tell you im moving to cana-" walker cuts my joke off.

"uh-uh. no more traveling. you stay at the rental with me." he huffed out the last part of the sentence. i wanted to tease him more though to see the reaction i could get out of him.

"what about the rest of the cast though? they'd probably start to get annoyed with me. probably not dior or charlie thou-" walker groaned so loud we got a few stares from people passing by us.

"for fucks sake stop talking about charlie like he's something special or something." he rubbed his hands over his eyes trying his best to keep his composure. i tried my best to hide my smirk as i egg him on even further.

"well i think charlie's a cool guy-" instant sweetness cut off my jokes.

walker had finally kissed me. soft and tender, but it's as if it was a warning to me. like he was begging me to stop talking about charlie.

his hands on my waist were now cupping my face while mine were still lost in his golden curls.

i kissed him back afraid the moment was only in my imagination.

walker pulled away but laid his forehead on mine and huffed out, "what would charlie say about that, sun?" slightly out of breath, i heave out a light hearted chuckle and peck him on the lips once more.

"he'd probably be upset but i'd be too smitten to care." i smile brightly at walker. he was MY sun. my world. my best friend.

"oh is that so?" he lifts my chin up for us to hold eye contact. i look into his eyes and they're full of love and another emotion i can't wrap my head around. adoration? affection? something way beyond what words can describe. my eyes had to of replicated his glare as well.

i let out a small "mhmm" as a response.


walker2cool mine

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walker2cool mine.

liked by leeahjeffries, luv..ddiorr, yourusername, and others.



hey guys idky it's taking me so long to get chapters out
i've been sleeping really bad lately and trying to catch up with my mental health so i promise im trying my best and i also just need motivation lol but thank you guys SO much for 150 reads!!! i'm so happy even if that's not a lot because writing makes me happy and i hope reading this brings you some joy as well :-)

have a lovely night my loves 🎀

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