There's Only One Bed??

708 16 19

Authors Note:

I know it's been a hot minute or two. I'm sorry! I kept getting sick and absolutely not wanting to write at all.

I've also been short on ideas for Solby and mostly focusing on Jake/Johnnie. So I decided to go through comments both here and on ao3!

Im combining some ideas that came in from people on ao3 in the comments.

Basically, these are the comments i'm going with for this one:

Basically, these are the comments i'm going with for this one:

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I really liked the idea of the one bed scenario, hence the name of this one shot! We'll see if I do anything expansive with the rest

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I really liked the idea of the one bed scenario, hence the name of this one shot! We'll see if I do anything expansive with the rest.

Pretty sure this is going to be vaguely smutty. I don't know if i'm going to go too deep into it, but there will be some. So there's your warning!

This is the first time that i'm kind of combining ideas from comments, but even if I don't respond to comments, now you guys know I do read and appreciate them!   You guys and your feedback and ideas keep me going with this book and im grateful.   




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