Season 1 Chapter 1: Pilot

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Marvel Studios

Planet Xandar

???: Xandar... I still remember when I arrived the first time, hundreds of years ago... there's no peace here... only war.

It was night right now on Xandar, also rainy, city still looking bright from the ground... but these are dark days on Xandar, and that all started nearly thousands of years ago. Xandar is home to the Nova Corps, one of the most formidable forces in the universe.

???: They've had an endless war against those called "Kree". I never understood why they fight, how they even started to fight, I could intervene and end it... but would I act? No.

In the rain of Xandar, in one of the tall buildings, lies an obsidian colored figure, shiny sitting in a floating surfboard of the same color and material... his leg handing down from one side of it... slowly moving... Danen Azulon... Dark Surfer.

Danen: (mentally) Their wars are theirs, only they can end it, for me to intervene wouldn't make me a protector... what would it make me? And if I stop this war, wouldn't it be fair to stop every war? Play God? It is not what I want to be, I can save lives but they must choose willingly to stop it... for me to do it... wouldn't it count as me taking their free will? Controlling their choices and events... is not right.

Danen looks down to the streets in Xandar, seeing many people down there... people of different species... a sight that made Danen smile.

Danen: (mentally) They are all mortals, they have lives, souls... they can love, create, help, show compassion, loyalty... forgiveness... yet I still wonder... why do we fight each other?

He slowly gets up and stands on his board, looking at the stars... and beyond. His board slowly moved faster until he was pointing to the sky and in a split second, he left Xandar's atmosphere. Outside in Xandar, a purple light blur passed by their own satellite.

The stars looked like blurs in Danen's eyes, yet peaceful and beautiful... so many constellations that he could see, destructive novas and black holes but also seeing births of dozens stars. But he could also hear the cries of many mortals... animals and more... war, destruction... so much bloodshed. Danen closed his eyes to try and enjoy this moment, though alone, it wouldn't make a difference, he has been alone for centuries. He was slowing down and suddenly stopped... in the middle of the endless space... surrounded by stars... the beautiful colors, Nebulas from afar, and a black hole as well... though Black Holes are among the worst things in space, from afar it can be said that they are... quite impressive... interesting.

Danen opened his eyes and looked to his left... as he sits on his board sideways, now looking forward on where he had his eyes on. He could see his former Master, so many galaxies away, thousands of them away.

Danen: (mentally) I may never know why Norrin wanted me to join him, or why he saved me... may it be cause he was alone? Or was it because of fear? Or regret? So much guilt lies in both our hands because we aided him... The Great Devourer of Worlds. So many planets sacrificed, so many of lives lost because of him... of us... me.

Danen looks to a black hole from afar, but he doesn't even move there... probably cause he has tried... and he has. The Power Cosmic is a powerful primordial force of energy, it gives the user almost complete control of the universe by manipulating the four fundamental forces of the universe and more: Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic and Gravity Manipulation? All in their disposals. But most importantly, it makes the user nearly completely immortal, impossible to kill via age or diseases, and his regeneration is almost limitless... the black hole couldn't kill him permanently.

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