Chapter 6

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His grasp on my waist stings as his face is mere inches from my mine. A small chill slivers up my arms, the excitement making itself know as I clench my knees together. "Do you want that?", he asks, his head dipping down and licking up my neck. I know I do, but I have questions stirring around in my brain. My brain and my body fighting against each other in a battle, and I wonder which one is going to win. "I.. I have questions," I stammer, as he swiftly lifts me from the ground. A small shriek leaves my mouth as he picks me up over his shoulder, going back into the back room. I don't bother to flail or hit his back because he over powers me. He shuts the door with his foot, and sits me down on the green seat he was sitting in. I stare into those black eyes-eyes that remind me of a black abyss.. waiting.. wondering what to even say next. He hovers above me before kneeling before me, the act alone making me squirm in my seat. Nervousness creeping in like an unwanted fly in a home.

"What are the questions you need to ask?" He asks, his gaze burning holes in my body. "How are you even here?" I reply, my eyes looking at the bookshelf behind him. A loud thud hits the side of the couch arms, sending my body to jump up in the chair. My body turns boiling hot with worry because if I know anything about Kai, it's that he is unpredictable.

"Look at me when you talk to me Lavender."

"I..I can't," I announce, my voice trembling.


My body shivers once more, as I bring my hands to my arms rubbing them warm. Where do I even begin? I have so many questions but my mouth won't make words. My body trembles and shakes with fear but in a way it's exciting it at the same time. Why is it that fear is a somewhat turn on for me? I have to be sick in the head, but I blame it on growing up watching horror films. The chase excites me, the thrill of the fear ignites my body in ways that make me feel ashamed. I'm a quiet woman that owns a book shop for fucks sakes, I shouldn't be like this. I have to be a psychopath. I finally bring myself together, giving my mind a pep-talk, telling myself to look at him. I can do this. I pick my hand up gently from the arm of the chair, bringing my hand to my glasses to lift them farther up my nose. With one breath, I open my eyes staring down. I still see him in there, the teenage angsty boy I knew, I see it in his dark eyes. His big build now is nothing compared to the scrawny boy I once knew. His face more darker, more intense, and even more mysterious. So much pain.. so many years.

"Ask," he demands, leaning his palms lightly in my lap.

"How are you even here?"

"Irrelevant, any other harboring questions?", he asks sarcastically.

"I don't need to ask it, I already told you I know you didn't kill him," I state, my eyes never leaving his. I want to appear strong, although I know he knows me better than that. My legs are practically sealed shut, while my arms are glued to the arm chairs have a slight shake in them. My body language says it all, and I see his smirk growing as he subtly rubs my legs with his hands.

"I actually have a question for you Lav."

My breathing becoming rigid so I nod him on to continue.

"Why didn't you tell the cops about my offering? You know I killed them.. why not say anything?" He asks, clicking his tongue on the top of his mouth. I don't answer right away, not even knowing why I didn't. I guess maybe I truly thought it couldn't be him.. not after all this time. I found it impossible in my brain to try to wrap it around the fact that there was a small possibility that it could even be him. But I know never to lie to Kai, it would bare pointless. He'd strip me down in more ways possible in our small time together. He knows me more than I truly know myself.. a shame really. Everyone at some point needs to find themselves, love themselves, and maybe it was my childhood. Maybe it was the abandonment I always felt, being a second in everything. At home and at school. I just never truly felt and still feel that I don't know who I am, I live a safe routine..

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