Chapter 11

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The Beginning


September 2009

My alarm blares from my nearby blackberry, which sits half off my nightstand. I rub my eyes, my body unwilling wanting to move from my bed. A bed that is currently suffocating my body with its comfort. The alarm blares louder making thuds come from the wall that my bed is placed upon. "Shut it the fuck off!" My brother Lux yells from the room beside mine. I roll over letting out a small moan, grabbing my phone and hitting off on the alarm.

I should be excited for the first day of my senior year but all I feel is disappointment. Disappointment that it's not over already. I've trained myself to fake it all, the smile on my face as I walk through the halls with my so called friends. The smile I put on during cheer practice. I only joined the squad in a sad attempt to get my moms attention, but she didn't even bat an eye. Didn't so much as show any excitement when I made captain.. nothing. Blank. And that's what I feel inside, blank. I want to fucking feel something, anything. I wipe away the few tears that have left my eyes involuntarily, and begin to dress in my cheer uniform. The black and red don't contrast well with my light skin, and to be honest I feel naked in it. The skirt is cropped to short-short enough I'm afraid to bend over. The shirt barely covers my breast and I know I won't be lifting my arms for anything today. I look at myself in the mirror.. my black rectangular glasses butting heads with the sexy assemble. The nerd cheerleader.. My hair flows down in frizzy waves, which I attempt to smooth down. "Best it's going to get." I slide my white sneakers on and retreat to the dining room, for another unwanted family breakfast.

I skip down the stair, seeing my brother Lux at the head of the table. That used to be dad's spot, but Lux rules this house now. Lux's senior year was last year, he was too busy partying to care for school ultimately having to repeat the year, which of course mom and dad pitied him for. He'll lead the football team as captain once more. He looks up at me, coughing on his mouth full of eggs. "Where the fuck do you think you're going like that?" He asks, while my mom and dad shift their bodies to look at me from the kitchen. I ignore the question, sitting at the other end of the table squaring off with him. "To school," I finally reply, pulling eggs from the serving plate onto mine. Lux lifts his hand to head, "You cant be serious?" His tone is hard and cruel. I don't bother looking up at him, I don't want to fight. "You reflect this family! To be honest Lavender, the only thing reflecting out are your tits!" Repulsed I look up at him, "You're fucking disgusting!" I yell, stabbing the egg with my fork. "Don't talk to your brother like that," my mother snaps from beyond the stove. I shake my head with disgust, continuing to take a bite of my eggs. "You really should cover up honey," my dad pipes in from the open fridge, a newspaper in hand. I slam my hands down on the table, shaking the plates and cups filled with orange juice. I clench my eyes closed taking in a deep breath, before standing from the table. "Lux you were held back, maybe if you concentrated more on your grades last year rather than girls, you would have moved on from high school. Don't worry about me."

"Trust me I don't worry about you.. look at you.. you're asking for it!"

"I'm asking for it?!", I snap.


"Fuck you!" I yell, taking a hand full of eggs and throwing it at his pathetic face.

"Stop it!" My mom yells, ushering over to Lux with a napkin to wipe him clean. I let out a chuckle, "I'm going to school now," I pause looking at my mom, "You missed some," I say gesturing to his chest, before stomping out the front door. I fucking hate it here.


The pep rally was nothing more than embarrassing for me, "Go fight win", who fucking says that. I couldn't wait until it was over, couldn't wait until the my morning classes were done with my so-called friends. I know better, I'm not dumb. Gennie and Quinn have been friends with me for the last two years to score pointers with my brother, which is repulsive. Both different but equally beautiful, Quinn stands six feet tall with a figure of a ballerina, her blonde hair and blue eye conjuring anyone she wants. While Gennie is a brown hair, green eyed beauty with her dark skin and perfect athletic figure. I've heard them in the locker room talking about Lux.. the fighting over who is going to get him his second year as a senior. The bile running up my throat knowing they only allowed me on the cheer squad to score points with him.

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