Prologue: The garden. (FLASHBACK!)

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This is a mystery, romance, and a crack fanfiction of the countryhumans fandom, because I love detectives and I love FraRus/Frussia :)


-Might be offensive to some people.

-Political opinions.

-France x Russia(DUHHH)

-Might contain dirty jokes??

-Swear words.

-Crappy writing-



The building's meeting room in London was filled with nations from every continent in the world, with the United Kingdom - being the host of this world meeting.

Everyone was seated comfortably around a circular table, and a large map of the world on the wall, which would be used to plan things during the meeting.

It was then that the United Kingdom cleared her throat to address everyone, "We have a special surprise for all of you," said the UK, her voice filling the room with anticipation. "We have been hard at work preparing for this day, and have something we would like to show you."

The room erupted in murmurs as everyone turned to look at Great Britain and her shorter assistant, England, eager to hear what their surprise would be.

The United States of America glared in suspicion, before turning to Canada, leaning in and whispers to Canada, "Britain being nice today is hella sus. . ."

"Yeah, it's sus alright," Canada whispered back.

"Shut up, USA." Great Britain glares at her ex-colony for being lousy as always.

"Make me, you drunk bastard," The United States of America responded. The room erupted in murmurs, as everyone quickly turned to look at the two English-speaking nations, eagerly awaiting their confrontation.


"MAKE ME." The two countries glared at eachother, both refusing to back down, until a sharp yell was heard from the back of the room, catching everyone's attention.

"SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU!!" The voice was that of China, and to everyone's surprise, Britain and the United States of America both immediately halted their bickering, turning to face the tall Asian in unison. "This is not a playground. We are here to discuss world affairs," China explains, her voice low and commanding. Britain and the United States of America both swallowed their pride, and lowered their heads in silence.

Britain's assistant, England, glanced at her ashamed boss and the two Superpowers(China and the USA), before laughing awkwardly. "Ah! we were err, saying,"

"As I was saying," Great Britain quickly chimed in, trying to get everyone's attention back to the matter at hand.

"What exactly do you have for us?" Inquired India as the murmurs and whispers slowly began to grow louder.

The United Kingdom smirked, enjoying her role as a host and the suspense she was placing all of the countries under. With a confident and prideful nod, she looked at her assistant, England. "We have something.. revolutionary that we wish to share with the world."

"Revolutionary?" questioned China, her face puzzled yet curious as she studies the very short British.

"You'll see now, without further interruption, we shall reveal it." The Brit gestured towards her assistant, England, to continue speaking.

COUNTRYHUMANS: The Vegetable Heist. [FRANCE x RUSSIA]🇫🇷x🇷🇺Where stories live. Discover now